Chapter Thirty Two: Dragonstone

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~Oldtown, Samwell Tarly~

Sam wheels a cart along the hall. He removes a bowl from a folded-out plank in the door beside him and folds the plank back up. He puts the bowl on the cart and pushes it further down the hall. He approaches the next door, picks up the bowl, and folds in the plank. A man can be heard vomiting and coughing inside. Sam puts the bowl on the cart and pushes it further down the hall. He approaches the next door and reaches for the bowl, but a hand lurches out from the hole in the door and grabs the bowl. Sam jumps backwards and gasps. The arm of the person behind the door is covered in grayscale, revealing it belongs to Jorah Mormont. Jorah drops the bowl on the floor.

"Have they come yet?" Jorah growls out, his arm dropping.

"W...who? Sam stutters.

"The Dragon Queen. Daenerys Stormborn. And her sister, the princess,"

"Haven't heard anything," Sam responds with a smile. Jorah pulls his hand back inside the cell. Sam approaches and folds up the plank.

~Shores of Dragonstone, Daenerys, Riva, Greyworm, Missandi, Tyrion, Varys Daario and Sylar~

Everyone is piled on a rowboat as they head towards Dragonstone. Riva and Daenerys stand as they all look up at the massive castle ahead of them. A large smile appears on the siblings face as they hit the shore, the other ships coming in quickly behind them. Riva and Daenerys are the first off the rowboat as Daario and Greyworm lift it onto the shores. Riva kneels with Daenerys and touches the shore with their bare hands. They smile even more at the thought of being home. The continue to walk up the stairs, the three dragons flying above while the ships are harboured. When they reach the doors, two unsullied open the doors for the princess and queen. Inside, a Baratheon flag hangs up which Riva tears down with one swift movement. She kicks the fallen fabric to the side as they continue to venture further into the castle. It was quite cold in here, very different from the heat in Meereen, but wasn't as cold when she was in Castle Black nor when the Night King meets her. Riva and Daenerys reach the throne room with extremely large windows on either side of the room. Directly in front of them was the throne embedded in dragon glass? Riva wasn't quite sure, but it was cold and rough to the hand when she touched it. She and Daenerys continued up the stairs and into the Chamber of the Painted Table. When they enter, the far side of the room was just a balcony overlooking the cliffs. Riva and Daenerys walk either side of the table which was a map of Westeros. They run their hands over it while Tyrion stars at the carvings of dragons in the wall. When they reach the top of the table, they see Tyrion and the others enter. They all look up at them

"Shall we begin?" Daenerys spoke.


A storm rages. Rain falls on the beach and the castle, lightning flashes, and thunder crackles overhead. Daenerys, Riva, Tyrion, Greyworm, Missandi and Varys are standing in the Chamber of the Painted Table, staring out at the storm.

"On a night like this, you came into the world," Tyrion said to Daenerys.

"I remember that storm. All the dogs in King's Landing howled through the night," Varys remorses.

"I wish I could remember it," She said bitterly while turning away from the window and walking to the table. "I always thought this would be a homecoming. It doesn't feel like home,"

"We won't stay on Dragonstone for long," Riva confirms.

"Good," Dany looks at the figurines placed on the table. "Not so many lions,"

"Cersei controls fewer than half the Seven Kingdoms. The lord of Westeros despise her. Even before your arrival, they plotted against her. Now..."

"They cry out for their true queen? They drink secret toasts to Daenerys' health?" Riva questions Varys while she walks closer. "People used to tell Viserys that sort of thing, and he was stupid enough to believe them," Riva picks up a dragon figurine from the table.

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