Chapter Twenty Two: This just seems like a waste of time

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Riva allowed a gasp to escape her mouth as she beamed up at the dragon. Jorah stood at the entrance, the massive dragon blocked him from moving closer to grab Riva and lead her away. The red beast sat in front of her, it's fiery eyes glaring into her emerald orbs.

"Drogon!" She heard a faint voice call but she was so consumed with the beast she could barely hear. Her small pale hand came up to his scaley nose as she trails her hand along the crevices and bumps. The beast moved his head forward for further more affection as Riva giggled, tickling his armoured neck. Drogon growled peacefully before the other dragons called him over. Riva chuckled as the red beast pounded its leather wings and he zoomed into the sky and joined his supposed brothers. Riva watched in amazement, so happy to see the slight power her house has. With a wide grin, she turned back to the entrance, ready to be declined. Instead of seeing Jorah by the hole for an entrance, she saw the Queen, Jorah and her Queen's guard all gathering in the small gap. They all looked baffled at what has happened and it made Riva chuckle.

"Sorry..." She trailed off. Daenerys looked back at Jorah and another, a younger man with muddy brown hair. They nodded at her before her glaze transferred to a man older than Jorah with shocking white hair. He bowed his head with a slight smirk. She then turned to face the dark-skinned woman who was saying her title which Riva rudely interrupted. With a large smile, she nodded and walked back inside the pyramid, everyone besides Daenerys following.

"Well, you're clearly not lying..." Daenerys started, walking to step beside Riva and watch her children with a big smile. Riva furrowed her brows and spun on her heel to face Daenerys.

"I thought you were declining my help," She stated dully, making her sister laugh.

"I was...walk with me," And with that, Daenerys walked down the left staircase, the one Riva first walked up. Riva huffed and threw her head back before she slumped her shoulders and followed.

"What is it with people and walking," She whined, chasing her little sister.

"After seeing your encounter with Drogon, it shows you are Targaryen...My advisors believed you were lying and thought you a spy as you came from Kingslanding, you see, I cannot have threats in my city," Daenerys stopped when she reached the base of the staircase and turned to face Riva who stopped beside her. "I accept you in my Queens guard," She began and walked up to another staircase adjacent to the one they walked down.

"Why the stairs," She mumbled before dragging her weak body up the stairs. As they clambered up the stairs, she realized they were getting closer to the dragons.

"There are supposedly three blood riders, I am one, we need two more. When I have gained full trust in you, you may become a blood rider with me," She smiled warmly, her perfectly styled blonde hair dancing gently in the warm wind. Riva slowly nodded with excitement filling her. "These are our chambers, Greyworm will take you to yours," And she nodded to another leather armoured man who followed them. Riva watched Daenerys round a corner and walked back tp the pyramid.

"So we didn't need to take the stairs," Riva sighed as she followed Greyworm inside yet another pyramid. It had a glass top with a Targaryen flag smoothed over it. Brown wood covered the rest of the building apart from the entrance which was grey limestone. Greyworm trotted down the marble hallways, it was very bland and the sun barely enlightened the corridors, luckily some flickering candles lit up a few spots. The sun was going down at a fast pace it was getting cooler. Greyworm stopped in front of a large hallway that was in a different direction to the main corridor.

"," He started in a language he is not used to, his accent showed Riva he spoke Valyrian.

"ȳdra daor worry aōla, nyke ȳzaldrīzes valyrīha. Kirimvose syt showing issa naejot issa chambers. Don't worry yourself, I speak Valyrian. Thank you for showing me to my chambers," She nodded before walking pass the shocked Greyworm. Greyworm looked back before he trotted away, commanding two soldiers to guard the entrance of the hallway to make sure nothing will harm the Queen's sister.

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