Chapter Eighteen: The Wedding Begins

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Riva sighed and sat down on her Sansa's blood-stained bed and patted a seat beside her for Sansa to sit next to her. Sansa's blue eyes travelled between the spot and Riva's eyes before she shook her head a 'no'. Riva rolled her eyes while sheathing her now clean dagger.

"It all started when my father sent me to Bravos," Riva began and instantly Sansa shook her head in denial.

"You're a Targaryen, not Oberyn's daughter?" Sansa mumbled. Riva nodded and stared at her blood-stained hands.

"You can't tell anyone," Riva stated. Has she pulled on the face again, her whole body almost changing. It was like magic. "Start crying," Sansa just stared at her with shock. As Sansa was too shocked to do anything, Kendra punched her hip. Sansa cried out an got the hint and started to sob. "Somebody! Help!" Kendra ran out of the room before she grabbed onto Tyrion who was walking towards Sansa's chambers. "My Lord! Help us!" She cried out, tears staining her brown complexion. Tyrion looked between Sansa and the twitching corpse.

"Umm, I'll get someone to clean that up. Lady Sansa, may I escort you somewhere else?" Tyrion held out a small hand at the door. Sansa feebly got up and took Tyrion's hand, still sobbing. Kendra couldn't tell if she was acting or crying at the punch. Sansa gave one sly smirk at Kendra as Tyrion led her away and Kendra just put a finger to her lips. She laughed before she turned and she heard swords clashing against each other, that reminded her that Jaime and Bronn normally spar at this time. She smirked and ran towards Riva's chambers. She stripped herself of her clothes before she put on clothes that belong to Riva Targaryen that laid around her floor. She pulled her complexion off and revealed a young pale woman. Riva looked out of her window and saw Bronn and Jaime battling each other. She grabbed Stinger before she carefully slid out of her window. She jumped down the rocks, careful not to slip on them. Jaime was disarmed when Riva got closer. She laughed, causing the attention to be on her.

"Uh, are you ok?" Jaime asked, moving beneath the rocks. Riva stopped on one rock to smirk at him.

"I'm fine, seriously, it's not like I'm going to fall again," Riva replied in a playful tone. Bronn chuckled and sat down for a drink. Riva threw down Stinger and Jaime caught it with his left hand before he placed it down beside him. Riva took this as a moment to take him in.

His Lannister golden hair shimmered in the matching sun as it bounced in the clear sky. His dark, forest green eyes were so hypnotising and she could get lost in them again as she did all those years ago. His golden hand added to his strength. His short beard and hair made him look more intimidating but handsome; he truly lived up to his name. Riva was so transfixed, her foot slipped and she fell downwards. Riva held her breath for impact, but when two large arms caught her, she breathed. She slowly peeled her eyes open and saw Jaime smiling down at her.

"Hey," She blushed as he placed her down.

"I thought you weren't going to fall again," He taunted, shoving her playfully. Riva rolled his eyes.

"I was seeing if I can trust you," Riva strolled over to Bronn and tied her boots tighter. Jaime raised a brow.

"No wonder why your fathers arrange you two to be married," Bronn chuckled making Riva and Jaime snap their hands at him simultaneously. Bronn looked taken back when he saw the hateful looks. "Sorry...when's the wedding?"

"A week after Joffrey's," Jaime mumbled. Riva groaned as she threw her head back.

"Oh boy, I can't wait," Sarcasm coated every word that spilt from Riva's mouth. "Urgh, I'm going to have to wear a dress. A white dress. For the whole day!" She dropped to the floor and placed her arm over her head which caused the sleeve of her tunic to roll up and Jaime instantly fell worried. He gently grabbed her left arm and examined her upper limb. Riva furrowed her brows and followed his gaze.

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