Chapter Forty Two: Kingslanding

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~3 months later~

Riva leaned over and threw up again into her bowl. She sighed and wiped her mouth and stayed leaning over her bowl just in case she needed to pour out the contents in her stomach again. This has been happening almost every day and she doesn't know why. It can't be the weather, she was alright for the first few months in the bitterness and then she was sick. Normally afterwards, she would be fine and ready to help repair Winterfell or sort battle plans out. She also felt like she ate too much as well as she has gained weight but she only eats some of her dinners so she gets confused why her stomach is expanding at a quick pace. She leant back on the wall in her chambers after disposing of her vomit out of her window. She placed her hands over her stomach and rested her eyes which was short-lived when she realized that she hasn't bled in the last three months since she first laid with Jaime.

"Shit," She mumbled to herself before she quickly walked to her dresser to make herself look presentable and the grabbed a simple, loose fitted gown. Once she tied the ribbon, she then walked to where Sam was, he would know if what she was thinking was true, he trained as a Maester. Once managing to avoid Sansa, Daenerys and Jon, she found herself knocking at his door. She kept looking around her to make sure no one would see her at Sam's room. The door opened and he looked quite shocked to see Riva panicking at his door.


"Call me Riva, Sam. Can I come in?" She asked quickly and he stepped aside to let her in.

"Riva, what's wrong?" He asked when he closed the door and Riva paced.

"You're good with medicine and stuff, right?" She asked without looking at him.

"Well, I went to the Citadel to train as a Maester,"

"Good, so you can tell of know," She faced him and tried to explain what she is thinking but without saying, she didn't want to, she was scared.

"Um...I can tell if someone is dying, yes. Wait, are you dying!?" He asked shocked. Riva chuckled and sat on the edge of his bed.

"No, Sam, I'm not dying...I...I think...I'm...pregnant," She cringed when she said the word and when she looked at Sam, he looked remarkably astounded.

"I could run a few tests to see if you are," He said after some awkward silence passed and then started to collect bottles from around his room. "Could you tell me when you last had...intercourse?"

"Yesterday," She replied cooly. Sam chuckled and grabbed some parchment and ink.

"Okay, can you tell me why you believe you're pregnant,"

"Well, I've been throwing up almost every morning for three months, I haven't bled for the past three months and I have a bump growing, and I barely eat," Riva stated as Sam scribbled down all this information.

"And three months ago, did you lay with anyone?"

"Yes, after the Long Night," She examined her nails while Sam finished writing up. "So, am I pregnant?" She asked as he checked through the list he wrote.

"I'm just going to do one test to confirm whether you aren't or are," He smiled kindly while he got bottles out and started to conjure up a test for Riva.


"What will my sister think!?" She paced in Sam's room while running her hands through her hair. "What will Jaime think!? I don't know if he wants a child!" Sam stayed quiet as Riva ranted to him about her feelings of the news. "I don't know if I want a child!" She kept walking back and forth. "I have to fight with Daenerys against Cersei in three days!" She finally stopped at Sam's window and watched people getting armour and weapons ready. "I can't fight if I'm pregnant,"

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now