Chapter Twenty Three: Just What I Need

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"Shit," Riva slowly said to herself as she slowly placed the wolf cub and unsheathed her sword. The Harpies ran by beside from two. They wore normal Meereen clothes but wore eagle mask painted in gold. The first one titled it's head before it ran towards her with its knife held high. She sighed before shoving her sword into the body. The other one stared at her and then the body before it started to run. Riva huffed in annoyance and unsheathed her dagger and threw it into the back of the Harpies' head. She laughed while she pulled out the dagger and sheathed it. She picked up her sword and the wolf before she saw ten more Harpies fill the place. Riva growled as the all walked closer.

"Where's the princess!?" She heard voices shout. She let out a breath and saw a ladder pressed against the wall to her left. More and more Harpies came in.

"Yeah...urm, nope!" She heled the sword and basket tightly before jumping over the mountain of baskets and grabbed onto the ladder, quickly climbing it. She saw the masked killers follow her and she kicked down the ladder. She sheathed her sword and slowly stood up and nice, fresh, cold air filled her lungs. She opened her eyes and saw the Harpies climbing the wall and the others picking up the ladder again. She rolled her eyes and ran again.

She could feel them closer and she jumped to a house closer to her. She could hear their footsteps divert and follow her. She jumped from the roof and crashed into a market stool. People screamed and started to run away. Riva groaned in pain and rolled off the sharp wood. She grabbed her sides and started to feebly walk through the streets, holding the basket close to her, checking to see the wolf was still inside. She rested against the wall for breath but when she looked to her left, she saw them jumping from the house and chasing her again.

"Oh for fuck sakes!" She screamed and started to run away, using rouge baskets and pots to support her and block the way for the Harpies. She decided to run towards the pyramid where the soldiers would outnumber the Harpies. She saw the beginning of the steps and smirked but over twenty Harpies suddenly blocked her way. She growled and saw a ladder leaning against a house. She jumped on that and climbed up. Once on the roof, she pulled up the ladder and placed it beside her, making sure the Harpies wouldn't chase her. She looked down and saw them using the holes and dents in the house to climb up like savages. "Seriously!?" Holding the basket closer, she ran again. Why were they so content on killing her? She has only been in Meereen one night!

Lacking breath and exhaustion filling her bones, she ran along the rooftop again. More footsteps joined her as she panted and ran. She jumped between small gaps and to her left was the majestic pyramid and to her right, the narrow streets of the town. Riva climbed up taller houses and jumped and rolled. She climbed up another ten large buildings and she was higher than the actual pyramid. She felt something sharp enter her side when she attempted to jump into a rather large jump. She felt her life slip away as she started to fall, having nowhere to grip on to and carefully lower herself. Blood rapidly left her body as she screamed. She hugged the basket to make sure the cub wouldn't die. She was around halfway down when she landed on something hard and the surface she was on moved very fast. Riva coughed up blood and flipped herself so she wouldn't fall. She almost screamed when she notice she was on the back of a dragon! She grabbed on the thick spines of the dragon as it flew around the buildings and back to the pyramid. Riva allowed herself to breathe and relax but the burning pain in her side never left. She saw the wolf in the basket start to howl. The creamy coloured dragon now known as Viserion flew over buildings and then slowly and carefully landed besides Drogon and Rhaegal. He stopped on the sandy surface that was adjacent to the entrance of the pyramid. Riva panted as the dragon landed but she never let go of the thick black spines, her eyes wide and still in shock that she was on the back of a dragon with a wolf in her hand. She couldn't move, too scared something bad will happen.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now