Chapter Twenty Nine: Khal Moro

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After flying on Viserion for a few hours, he finally landed where he usually goes. Riva takes in the beautiful scenery, it was fresh and beautiful, unlike Meereen. She sat on the edge of the cliff and looked down at all the hills and fresh grass. For ages, maybe even hours, she sits there, daydreaming until she notices she is vulnerable, she dropped all her weapons in the pits. She bit her lip and sprung up to go back to Viserion. He laid on a large dry patch of grass. Surrounding him was scorched animal bones, some missing jaws and rib cages. Viserion was resting his eyes when Riva hiked her muddy dress up to wake him up.

"Viserion, we need to go home," She spoke, but he turned his head away. "Viserion, come on," But she was ignored again. She huffed and decided to jump on his back, but he shoved her off and knocked her over with his tail. She stood up and huffed as he started to sleep. "Well, you could've got us some dinner," Viserion growled for an answer. "Fine, have it your way...I'll find some food," Riva snapped as she slowly descended the cliffs to search for food. She spent around two hours hunting for food but to no avail. She was also lost, the cliff she and Viserion were on was gone. She sighed heavily when she saw two horses riding towards her. The men riding were large and tanned.

Dothraki. Shit.

She looked behind her and saw hundreds of more horses come towards her. She quickly took off her necklace and dropped it into the ground, hoping that someone will find it and find her. She has heard Daenerys talk about the Dothraki and how she was the wife of Khal Drogo. She talked about how they were dangerous until they respected you. The horses surrounded her and there was no escape.

~Back in Meereen~

"Riva and Daenerys have been missing since the battle," Daario started.

"Well, the princess left on Viserion, she is most likely safe but the Khaleesi...she was captured by a merchant," Jorah added.

"I highly doubt that Riva is any safer than Daenerys, we have no clue where she is, at least if we get the name of the merchant, we can see where he sells," Daario commented. Tyrion, Daario and Jorah sat on the steps in the throne room while Missandi supported Greyworm.

"Well, we have to find them," Jorah said.

"Of course, but where to start,"

"If we find the princess first, we can then track the Khaleesi," Jorah stated.

"Khaleesi...what if the merchant took her back to some warlords because she is a Khaleesi," Tyrion stated.

"True, that isn't entirely impossible. I know a few merchants that sell women to the Dothraki tribes,"

"Well, what about the princess?" Jorah asked.

"Her wolf...what's his name? Ah, Sylar. He could sniff her for us,"

"She left these," Greyworm said, presenting Riva's dagger and sword.

"So, she's completely defenceless," Daario sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"So is Daenerys," Tyrion added.

"If she is going to the Dothraki and she is already a Khaleesi, she'll be fine," Daario nodded.

"The princess is good at manipulation...if she speaks Dothraki, she'll probably find a way to persuade them she is a Khalseei of a Khal," Jorah stated. Daario stood up.

"Well, we have to have someone stay here...Tyrion, Greyworm and Missandi stay here and control the city. Tyrion has the smarts, Missandi is good with the people are too weak to find the princess and queen," Daario started before he looked at Jorah. "Maybe it's best if you stay here,"

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now