Chapter Seventeen:You're No-One, Nothing

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Riva woke up with a strong arm around her waist. She rubbed her eyes and saw Jaime, face down, lying beside her, his arm looped around her waist. She smiled slipped out of his grasp. As she moved around the room, gathering her dagger and sword, Jaime woke up with a groan. Riva laughed at him as he sat up and watched her move around the room.

"Leaving so soon?"

"I don't even know who sleeps in here. What id this is where your father sleeps,"

"This is my room," Jaime said simply while leaning back on his bed. Riva looked at him and furrowed her brows. "Tyrion usually plays his silly games in here because I have the 'better wine and room'," Jaime quoted. Riva chuckled and walked to the door. "Do you have to leave so soon?"

"Breakfast is in a few minutes, I need to change before anyone get suspicious, we wouldn't want your father walking on this. Or your sister," Jaime rolled his eyes as Riva quickly left his room and went to hers. She took off her original clothes and pulled on a red and gold sundress. She quickly dragged a comb through her hair and sheathed Oath-Breaker on her back before she quickly ran to the doors of the dining room. Riva flattened out her dress, tucked some of her hair behind her ear and placed the purple rose Oberyn gave her above her left ear and then pushed the doors open and saw everyone looking at her. Oberyn gave her a remorseful look while Jaime looked inraged, it was extraordinary to see him in there before herself, he was angry which was unusual. Cersei had a look of repugnance on her face while Tyrion twirled a fork in his hand, most likely wanting to drive it into his fathers' neck. Tywin was tapping his fingers on the polished wood with a Lannister grin plastered on his face. Riva gulped down her fear, at least Joffrey wasn't in here. She sat besides Oberyn and he whispered in her ear.

"I'm so sorry," Oberyn whispered in her ear while a servant poured her wine. She drank her wine while Tywin spoke to her.

"Your father and I have arranged a marriage with my son!" He roared. Riva chocked on her wine and spat all over Cersei who sat in front of her. Cersei stood up in shock and disgust. She cursed before she angrily left the room, her gown swaying angrily. Riva wiped her mouth and looked between Oberyn and Tywin. Jaime slouched his shoulders as he made no eye contact with Riva, he was shocked and angry like her.

"W...what? Why?" She asked quickly. Tywin smirked and Oberyn sighed before he put on a fake smirk that only a Martel could play so well. He rubbed her thigh and held her hand.

"Because, darling, you have to marry Jaime so you can bear children for our House. It was also secure our alliance with the Lannisters," Oberyn smiled. Riva stood up in anger, scaring Tyrion as he jumped back.

"I will not marry anyone!" She snapped.

"Sylvia Martell, this is no way you should raise your voice at me!" Oberyn bit back as he too stood. Riva groaned before she left the room, wiping away angry tears. She slammed the doors hard and ran to her chambers. How could this happen? She is a Targaryen but everyone thinks she is a Martell. She has to marry Jaime who has just been removed from the Kingsguard and does not want to marry anyone not even herself. She also got upset at the fact her friend shouted at her, it was just an act but it was very conflicting for her. She got to her room and noticed the mess that the man-made. He was looking for something important, something small. Her gowns and tunic were thrown over her floor. All her drawers were pulled opened and empty. Her bed has been stripped and flipped. Her window was still smashed and a trail of blood was smeared across the floor that was littered in clothing. She rolled her eyes and left her room to find someone who knew about her being Riva who wasn't Oberyn.


She needs Jaime.


Not need.

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