Chapter Forty Eight: A Sense Of Security

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The dungeons were dark and damp. Only a few lamps lit up the glum place as Jon gripped the iron bars tightly, his knuckles turning white. Tormund glared at him from the opposite cell as he sat on the stone bed.

"Tormund, for the last time, I had no choice," He seethed causing his companion to scoff.

"You killed two children. Riva's kids, how could you? Not only you betrayed her, but you have betrayed me," He retorted, folding his arms and looking away. Jon sighed and retreated to his rocky bed, knowing Tormund wasn't going to like him for a while. He heard footsteps followed by mumbled voices and then another sound of footsteps, some getting louder and the others quieter. Jon stood at attention when he saw who came down.

"I didn't think you had it in you, son,"

"Don't call me your 'son'. I'm Eddard Stark's son. You. Were. NEVER. There when I needed you," Jon growled, hitting the bars.

"Jon works for me too," Rhagar smirked as he ignored Tormund's cursing behind his back. "I came to tell you everything is going to plan," Tormund stopped his mumbling and listened to the conversation.

"At least something is going well,"

"The next steps are simple, she will destroy Winterfell and after that, I'll make sure Storms End declares war on her," Jon nodded as Rhagar continued. "She will then attempt to destroy that threat and then Pyke will also declare war so she'll want to kill them all and then, convince Jaime to kill her and then our plan is complete," Tormund quickly stood up and walked to his bars.

"And then?"

"And then I take the throne from her and you get to walk free,"

"You're going to kill Riva and take her throne!?" Tormund gasped. Rhagar rolled his eyes and turned around.

"That's why I'm here, it took nine years to figure it out," He turned back to his son.

"Will Sansa stay safe?"

"Of course, I'm going to send her a raven tonight to tell her the plan is commencing and she and Bran need to flee Winterfell now," Jon nodded as Rhagar began to walk away.

"I'll tell her what you're planning when she comes down here! She'll believe me more than her brother who abandoned her for nine years!" Tormund shouted, trying to break the bars. Rhagar stopped at the end of the hall before grabbing one of the spears that were hung up.

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" He said, walking towards Tormund, swirling the spear in his right hand. He stood face to face with Tormund and Jon gulped.

"Rhagar, don't, I'll convince him not to,"

"He's a thick Wilding, he won't listen," And without hesitation, Rhagar pushed the sharp steel into Tormund's neck before twisting it and removing the blade.

"NO!" Jon cried out, his arm reaching through the bars. Rhagar smirked and commanded one of 'his' guards to make it seem like suicide. Jon fell to his knees, his arm still reaching out for his friend. He watched as thick blood plummeted from his neck and cascade to the hard ground. He watched as Rhagar's guards threw the corpse around and cleaned up the mess he made. He placed the spear inside the cell for the guards to use to make Tormund's face seem smashed in. "STOP!" Jon shouted but only earnt a punch in the face from his father.

"Shut up, we have a plan,"

"That didn't include you killing him," Jon snapped back with tears in his eyes. Rhagar scoffed and watched as the slammed the spear into Tormund's face until he was unrecognisable.

"I didn't kill him...he killed himself,"


"Riva," Jaime said as he entered the room. "Riva?" He called out but received no response so he assumed she was behind the changing screens. "Well, I don't know if you commanded it but there is a ship leaving port, they say that ship is heading to Dorne," He stepped over broken bits of glass and vases. "Is our suppliers not responding?" Jaime looked up and saw the cupboard was opened. He took a closer look and frowned when noticing something missing. "Who stole that resurrection potion..." It hit him like a rock. "Fuck," He ran out of the chambers and back to the ports. The boat was too far gone when he got there but he didn't fail to miss Riva leaning over the railing with the dark potion hanging from her hand.

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