𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝑭𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍

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Riva woke up naked and in someone's arm. She smiled peacefully and snuggled back into her pillows. Someone's arms pulled her into his large body and kissed her forehead. "Morning Snow," Riva mumbled. Jon just grunted, pulling her closer to him and nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck. She chuckled lightly while she wiggled out of his strong grip. She slipped into her dark clothes and pulled on her leather boots.

"Do you have to leave?" Jon mumbled from the bed. Riva looked back at him with a sigh. He was also naked and he propped himself up with his left arm. She nodded.

"We have work to do," She left the room while Jon complained.

The day dragged on. Riva was working like a mad man. She was in the stables then cleaning the Lord Commander's room and the cleaning the dishes then attending work back at the Lord Commander's room. Riva and Jon were constantly complaining about the shifts they had been given, she assumed it was most likely Thorne who sorted their chores. By the time night came, Riva was happy, until she spent it trying to calm Jon.

Jon was livid, it was something about his brother Robb sending attacks and Jon wanted to be there, but he couldn't, he was going to break an oath. Sam, Pypar, Ed and Riva are trying to calm him.

"Jon, please, don't leave, you'll get killed!" Sam pleaded.

"I should be out there with my brother,"

"Jon! You serve the Nightswatch, not your brother. You protect the seven realms, your brother will be fine," Riva snapped. Jon looked at everyone. He sighed loudly and nodded. "Now let's all go back to bed. I'm extremely tired and I just want to sleep after today's awful shifts. I should be getting paid," Riva complained waving her arms around. "I do more bloody work than any other man here," She continued before she reached the wooden stairs and that's when she and Jon walked back to his room in silence.

"I should be out there with him," Jon told Riva when they went inside his room. She knew he was going to leave no matter what she said.

"Jon, I'm not going to let you leave," Riva stated sternly moving to the door and unsheathing her sword. Jon looked at her, Ghost was growling from the corner, sensing the tension.

"I know, I'm not going to leave, no need for your sword," Riva believed him and slowly sheathed her sword. As soon as she sheathed her sword, Jon knocked her out with his elbow. "But he's my brother," And with that, he then ran. Riva quickly sprang up, her head aching

"Son of a bitch," She spat, running down to wake Sam, Ed and Pypar. She ushered them to the stables and she mounted the pure black stallion that saved her dignity. He neighed happily and started to trot around the courtyard.

"What's happening?" Ed yawned.

"Jon's made a runner!" She quickly exclaimed. They all seem to wake at that and quickly mounted horses. They quickly left Castle Black without another word. On her way out, she grabbed a torch that hung on the grey walls to light up the way. Riva was first, Sam quickly followed and Ed and Pypar were just behind Sam. "There he is!" Riva shouted over the loud noise. Her hand that wasn't touching the flame was turning numb against the Northern wind. Jon looked behind him and saw the Nightswatch trying to hunt him and kill him. He was clueless that it was his friends and the woman he cared about the most. He went quicker and faster, causing everyone else to speed up. Riva's vision was constantly being blurred by the harsh snow.

Jon ducked a low down branch and Riva did the same, but not poor Sam. SNAP. Riva pulled her horse to a halt and saw Sam lying on the snow with his horse lying on top of him. "Sam, are you ok?" Riva asked loudly over the loud wind. Hearing his friends' name and her voice, Jon also pulled his horse into a halt and slowly trotted back to the tree. Riva dismounted her horse and helped Sam up with Ed and Pypar.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now