𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑽𝒐𝒘𝒔

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"Why in the Seven Hells would I send the Lost Dragon away?"


"W...what?" Sylvia gasped. She blinked a couple of times. Jeor smiled warmly.

"When you had your rampage and made a mess in my chambers, in which you will clear," This made Sylvia roll her eyes and smirk a bit, it seems as she has calmed down. "You referred to Rhagar as your brother," Sylvia face-palmed. "Now, now. I won't tell anyone your little secret if you just tell me the truth. Targaryerns are wanted everywhere and I want to provide you with the best protection,"

"I didn't need protection until you assumed me being a Targaryen," She retorted, this made Jeor chuckle lightly.

"You don't understand the sudden demand of Targaryerns. Cersei wants them all dead,"

"Cersei Lannister, the smug little bitch," Sylvia mumbled under her breath, looking away from Jeor.

"I know you won't tell me the truth, I can always tell Cersei that I've found the Lost Dragon and I don't think you could take on the whole Lannister army on your own," Jeor stated, trying to pry the truth from Sylvia who simply smirked.

"How do I know you haven't already sent a raven down to Kingslanding?" Jeor grinned at her wits.

"I'm a loyal man..."

"And so was my best friend Ned!" She hissed, attempting to close the door, however, Jeor jammed his foot between the door and himself so she couldn't slam it in his face.

"Riva, stop playing games; I'm trying to help you,"

"Help?! I don't need help anymore! I've gotten my help for over half my life and I'm not going to get 'help' from an old man and a couple of men dress up in fancy black sheep wool!" She barked.

"You're stubborn as your brother,"

"Well maybe because we're related we are alike!"

"Riva, please calm down,"

"Fine, but stop saying I need help...wait...what were we arguing about?"

"How you won't admit your Riva Targaryen, you know, the lost dragon,"

Sylvia frowned slightly and leaned against the door."They call me the lost dragon?" She mumbled.

"So you admit it?"

"If you betray me, you wish you'd never played this game," She said with a snarl.

"I won't Sylvia, but I ask something of you in favour," The Lost Dragon raised a brow, urging him to finish. "As you will be leaving soon, if you ever come across a man named Jorah Mormont, kill him or bring him to me," He said, without giving Riva a chance to question, he continued. "Take this night off," He said before strolling away. Riva plastered a smile before she locked the door again and slammed her head against it.

"How?" She mumbled angrily, her eyes tightly shut. How did she allow herself to slip up? For months...for years even! For years she was able to be quiet and now she got so angry he found out about her. Well, he found out about her name, nothing more, and nothing less. Riva didn't do anything but sleep, she was extremely exhausted but she was happy to have some form of sleep.


She woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of Ghost growling and scratching the door. She groaned, why was Ghost scratching at her door in the middle of the night? Jon can feed him. She tried to ignore Ghost but she suddenly heard shuffling within her darkroom. She instantly sat up, her emerald green eyes snapping open. Ghost started to growl and started to bash against her door. She gulped and quickly reached for her draw. She moved items around until she found the small little box. She managed to light a little stick and she lit the candle. As soon as the orange light emitted, she quickly looked around and saw a bulky shadow swaying in the corner of her room. She grabbed Oath-Breaker and unsheathed it quickly and stood up. Ghost continued to bang against her door. Her window was shattered, how did she not hear this? The snow gently fluttered into her room as she slowly stood and grabbed her candle and then walked to the corner at a slow pace, squinting her eyes. She pointed Oath-Breaker in the direction of the shadow. Before she could get in a 5-foot radius, the shadow ran at her. It jumped up at her, causing her to drop both her candle and dagger. The dagger slid to the dark side of the room while the small flame started to burn the wooden floor. She growled and noticed this shadow was like a zombie with bright, icy blue eyes. She got worried when she noticed the small flame from the waxy candle has now caused a large fire in the corner of her room and it was spreading fast. She kicked this zombie thing off her and ran for her dagger but then was dragged away by the thing by her ankles. Its greasy and bony hands slid down to her feet for a better grip. She squirmed and managed to kick it off her. It stumbled back before he charged at Riva. She quickly flipped up and she punched it in the face. It barely moved and lunged forward at her. She quickly ducked and rolled between its legs. The fire was now nibbling at the back of her legs, while the Northern air attack her torso. She looked at saw her dagger between its legs. Before she could think of her next moves, the thing ran at her. She ducked and while it flew over her head, she pushed it further into the large pool of fire. She instantly ran and heard it scream and cry. Riva stumbled back into the other wall and quickly picked up Oath-Breaker before she unlocked her door and ran out. She was greeted by Ghost who was dizzy from trying to knock her door down and she saw Jon, Ed, Sam and Lord Mormont all running up the stairs. Riva looked around.

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