Chapter Thirteen: King Of Ice

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The sun was only just cracking over the large mountains. The breeze was cold, creating goosebumps on Riva's soft, fragile skin. She sat in her window, in her new clothes. She closed her eyes and allowed the wind to whip her crimson hair around. She watched people scramble around in the narrow streets as they attempted to set up their stools. She sprung off her window and sheathed Stinger and Oath-Breaker before attaching them to the large leather black belt that covered most of her stomach. She slid her small, golden blade in her dark brown leather boot. She felt the blade cascade down her bare leg and felt the blade rip her skin open, it didn't bother her though, the pain quickly vanished. She suddenly noticed which room she was in; her twin brothers' room. She remembered how they carved crazy pictures in the wall behind the bed, Rhagar would normally do this with Riva when Aerys was being horrible and hurting Riva. She smiled as an idea popped in her head. She pulled the bed out and saw the faded pictures. She knelt on one knee and ran a pale, slender finger in the dents. The pictures were what they thought dragons and White Walkers look like. She laughed and wiped away a rouge tear away.

She stood up and pushed the bed back before realization sunk in. She got mad at Jaime for something she has done before. Something she and her brother did a long time ago...but it was only once~

~Flash Back~

"Why trouble yourself so much, it's just marriage," Rhagar attempted to calm his sister who was laid across his bed.

"They would want to bed me, I've never done that before Rhagar, I'll be a fool. I'd be humiliated," She sighed, rolling on her belly and burying her head in his pillows. Rhagar sat beside her bare feet and sighed.

"You could never make a fool of yourself, you're a quick learner," Rhagar looked back at his sister.

~End Of Flash Back~

She was brought back to cold reality by the sound of harsh knocking. She got up, wiped away a few stray tears and opened her door. Tyrion stood at the foot, smiling up towards Riva. He wore his Lannister red and gold tunic and wore his typical smirk his brother wore often.

"Hey," She murmured, leaning on her half-opened door, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Can I come in?"


"Ok, well, can we talk?"

"Not for long,"

"The King's Wedding is in a fortnight, Jaime wants you to attend with him," She held back a smile and locked eyes with Tyrion.

"Where is he now? Why isn't he asking me himself?"

"Well, firstly, his new hand is getting some modification and he thinks you hate him after last night," Tyrion replied, a slight cringe on his scarred face. Riva sensed his lies.

"Where. Is. He?" She asked with firmness lacing her words. Tyrion sighed loudly and pointed towards the chamber doors behind him. She walked out of her room and slammed her door harshly. She knocked on Jaime's door and he slowly opened it. She stood at his door, calmly, and tapped her foot patiently.

"Hey R...Sylvia," He susurrate, not making eye contact. Riva looked behind her and saw Tyrion. She walked inside Jaime's room and forced him to close the door. "I...I't...I..." He was lost for words but lucky Riva stopped him.

"I'm not angry nor mad at you. We don't choose who we love, it just happens. It was just a shock to see it. But Cersei is yours and you are Cersei's," Riva stated genuinely, meaning every word that slipped pass her mouth, but her heart ached for some reason as she delivered those words. There was a long silence before Riva spoke again. "I've done it before," She confessed. Jaime then made eye contact, shock in his face.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now