Chapter Eleven: Home

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Roose Bolton and his bastard son left the following day, Riva kind of missed Ramsay though. He was nice and gentle, and he was not so bad to the eye either. But she also felt uneasy, the men she was left with did not like her one bit, they loathed her and she hated the thought of the things they wanted to do to her. She, Jaime and Brienne was all in the dining hall when they received amazing news.

"Finally!" Riva cheered and stood up in celebration. "This place stank anyway!" She danced around, making Jaime and Brienne look down at their nearly empty plates. Locke laughed at her.

"Did I mention you? I meant The Kingslayer and the large woman!" He roared. Riva stopped in her tracks and Jaime looked up from his silver plate. Brienne did the same. They shared looks of concern before they looked at Riva who looked glum.

"What?" All three said in sync.

"I'm not going to let you all go, the pretty one can stay. Do you know anything about business?" He laughed while he used his yellow teeth to tear the meat from the chicken bone.

"She's not that pretty, she's stained in mud," Joseph grumbled.

"Hey!" She slapped his face, already filled with anger at the fact she is staying in Harrenhall, it was starting to get as bad as Bravvos. He punched her in the stomach in response. This made everyone stand. Riva's Nightswatch clothes were clean along with her own chained armour she carried in her bag. She wore her Nightswatch tunic and pants with her thick, squared, metal armour over the top after convincing Ramsay to let her change into something more comfortable. Brienne wore a large pink gown, she looked uncomfortable. Jaime wore his rags, well, his clean rags. Riva sighed as she was led to a different room by Locke to stay in while the others left. She looked back at Jaime with glassy eyes. Jaime felt a knife stab his heart, Brienne noticed how he watched Riva be pulled away, his eyes glassy, a tear even slipped pass his mud-stained cheek. He didn't know why he was having these feelings for her, he only just met her...or has he met her beforehand? Not just in one of Aerys typical meetings...but as someone closer to him...maybe she was who she can't be...right?

When Brienne got changed in her typical Stark armour, she ran to Jaime who was already mounted on a horse. "Jaime, what relation did you have to Riva Targaryen!?" She asked as she mounted Shadow, almost breathless as the horse huffed at her sudden movements. Jaime furrowed his brows.

"I...why do you need to know?" He asked through gritted teeth. Brienne sighed and as she opened her mouth to speak, Locke approached by Jaime's side. "What will Sylvia be used for?" Locke smiled to himself as the guards readied themselves for departure.

"For tonight, entertainment. After that, well, she'll die," He laughed before slapping the backside of Jaime's horse, making the majestic beast gallop into the foggy landscape. All horses' followed in pursuit, including Shadow, yet he didn't gallop, he wanted Riva to be with him.

Locke walked to Riva's room and she was singing softly to two handmaidens. Before Locke opened her door, she finished on key, so perfectly to whichever random song she sand. The two maidens cried out and clapped. "Thanks," She blushed and noticed Locke enter her chambers, making her sigh and pick up a comb to drag it through her jungle-like hair. The maids left and Locke noticed she was in a magenta dress, he didn't order her to be changed but it will be much more fun to her fight with a dress that was way too large for her petite form. His lips cracked into a pained smile and then he chucked a wooden stick in her way.

"You know what you're doing?" She gazed down at the wooden sword and furrowed her brows. She lamented and picked up her bag Ramsay helped her get. It had her book in it.

"Nope," Riva picked up the flimsy sword and flipped it in her hand.

"Perfect," He chuckled and commanded Riva to accompany him.

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