Chapter Twenty: The Purple Wedding

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Riva wasted no time when she woke up. The wedding was commencing in the morning, but something seemed wrong. She put on her white tunic and leather overcoat on along with her leather brown pants before she put on the dress that was already in her bedroom, the last time she wore a dress like this, it irritated her skin so she thought clothes beneath her dress would make her feel more comfortable...and it did feel more comfortable. Sansa and Shae came into her room and Shae helped Riva get ready. They quickly went outside and jumped into the carriage to go to the Sept of Baelour. As soon as they could, they all travelled back to the Keep and the party commenced. Jaime kept his word and got a position near the front tables. Sansa sat on the end with Tyrion besides her. Riva sat in between Tywin and Tyrion. Cersei sat next to Tywin. Joffrey and Margaery sat on a separate table that was positioned in the middle of the platform. Olenna and the rest of highborn Lord's and Ladies sat with her. Riva, Tyrion and Sansa were making silly jokes and laughing constantly. Riva stood up and walked over to Jaime who looked bored.

"Heyyy," She nudged him with her shoulder. She wore a large smile. He smiled down at her.

"Hello," He responded, his Lannister locks falling in his face.

"C'mon Lannister, it's a wedding! Be cheerful!" She threw her arms around. Jaime rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'm a member of the Kings guard," He said.

"But it's your last day!" Riva dragged Jaime by his arms so they would dance to the upbeat music.

"You can't dance," He whispered as he allowed her to spin around him.

"Now I can!" She giggled. Seeing her silly behaviour, he joined in her manic dance. Seeing as they were the only two dancing, people started to join in and dance like fools. People were tripping but laughing and having fun all the same. Even with bellies full of food, they still danced. When the music stopped, everyone travelled back to their seats, Jaime and Riva were breathless and he stood behind her while Margaery spoke to everyone.

"That dance was quite, thrilling, thank you, Sylvia and Jaime, for getting everyone in the mood," She spoke kindly, making the duo blush. She wore a fitted minty blue dress with vines outlining her upper body curves, she truly looked like the queen. Riva looked over at Sansa and noticed a jewel missing from her necklace, she furrowed her brows but continued to listen to Margaery.

"Our King has decided that all the leftovers will be given to the poor, so they can enjoy our food," After more music, talking and dancing everything went wrong. There was a little play with dwarfs fighting each other and Joffrey insulted Tyrion.

"Well fought, well fought. Here you are, Champion's purse," He held out a red purse before he brought it back to him. "Though, you're not the champion yet, are you?" He was talking to the dwarf that knocked over the others'. Everyone looked sick and tired of Joffrey's act. Riva and Jaime were walking around the edge's and Bronn decided to join. "A true champion defeats all the challengers,"

"What is that cunt on about?" Bronn whispered to Jaime who suddenly stopped and was watching, along with Riva. Jaime shrugged.

"Surely there are others out there, who still dare to challenge my reign," Riva thought Joffrey was going to do something stupid and of course he did...this was Joffrey. He turned to face Tyrion "Uh, Uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume," Tyrion looked pissed.

"Jaime, this isn't going to end well. Look what happened at Tyrion's wedding," Riva whispered at Jaime who murmured a response Riva couldn't quite hear. People started to laugh and Tyrion forced a painful smile, Sansa decided to look away. Tyrion slid off his seat and looked up a Joffrey.

"One taste of combat was enough for me, Your Grace. I would like to keep what remains of my face," He said with a nod. "I think you should fight him. This was but a poor imitation of your own bravery on the field of battle," Riva thought Tyrion was playing well. "I speak as a firsthand witness. Climb down the table with your new Valyrian sword and show everyone how a true king wins his throne. Be careful though, this one is clearly mad with lust," Riva closed her eyes. Too far? "It would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue, hours before his wedding night" Yep, too far. Tyrion sat down while people began to laugh, Joffrey looked pissed.

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