Chapter Forty: The Long Night

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A/N: Major character death!!

The four waited for the dragons to come but there was nothing. The dead were getting closer, Daenerys and Jon were supposed to be burning the bodies. They all looked around, including the soldiers Riva has never met. They then looked down at the army when a reporter came by quickly and came to Riva. A massive blizzard has already begun.

"My Princess," He said, shaking from the cold. She walked over to him as he shivered.

"What is it?"

"The Queen and Jon...they...they have already left the battlefield," Riva cursed and walked back to her boys.

"I have to change our plans,"

"Why?" Jorah asked as the Dead limped faster.

"Viserion, he's already here...The Night King knew our plan," She ran down some stone stairs followed by Jaime, Jorah and Daario.

"'re now going to command the three armies?" Daario said, jogging to keep up.

"Yes, I am," She ran out of the doors. "Greyworm, I need you, now," He nodded and walked out of formation to follow. They walked up to the front of the Dothraki and she spoke English so the Starks will understand under the pressure, Greyworm translated.

"Men and women! The Night King knew our plans already! We now have to change it! We are going to charge at them, give them everything we have! We won't give up! If you get hurt, recover! Go and get yourself patched up or even just ignore the pain and fight for your world! And if you die, walk it off! We won't fall tonight!"

"YES!" The armies responded.

"We will defend our world!"


"And we will show our people what we are capable of!"

"YES!" The Dothraki cried out and their horses reared.

"Will you fight with me!?"


"Will you die with me!?"


"Then let's give them hell!" Everyone cried out and cheered. Riva and her team walked back to the castle. Melisandre stepped towards her with a smile. "Melisandre, you're supposed to be in the Crypts, we are about to charge," She smiled and walked towards the Dothraki. Riva shrugged and walked up over the gate to look down at the army. She saw Melisandre hold a sword that belonged to the Dothraki and suddenly, they all set on fire. Riva smirked and raised her sword above her head.

"CHARGE!" She commanded and the Dothraki rode into the darkness with their flaming swords. Riva smirked as she saw them attack the dead. Her smirk quickly disappeared when the flaming swords start to disappear and the war cries of the Dothraki vanished. Riva looked out and saw a few horses run back with no riders. Before Riva could think of the next move, the dead swarmed the unsullied and Starks in front of them. They started to fend them off as the dead appeared from nowhere. She bit her lip and moved along the wall. "Archers!" Everyone along the wall paid attention to her as she walked behind them until she was in the middle. "It's the time!" They lit their arrows and looked back at her. "Draw!" They drew their arrows into the eerie sky. She waited a moment before she said the final command. "Release!" They let go of the string and thousands of arrows flew down into the battlefield. The arrows pierced the rotting skulls of the dead and lighting them on fire. She repeated those commands until she allowed them to constantly release the flaming arrows.

It has only been twenty minutes or so and Riva was already exhausted running to each different stations. She ran down into the courtyard and saw the army retreat. She furrowed her brows as the terrified men. They were still fighting off the Dead as they tried their best to keep them out of Winterfell "We need the logs to be set on fire," She mumbled to Jaime who nodded.

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