Chapter Thirty One: Home

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Daenerys and Riva stand at the edge of the cliff, looking out at Vaes Dothrak. Sylar sits beside Riva while she runs her hand through his fur. They turn around to face Daario and Jorah who are standing behind them.

"I banished you twice," Daenerys starts. "You came back twice. And you saved my life," She pauses while Jorah looks down. "So I can't take you back and I can't send you away," She states and approaches Jorah, but he recoils.

"You must send me away," He states making Riva furrow her brows. He rolls up his sleeve to reveal the greyscale covering his forearm. Riva gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, her eyes watering.

"Is there a cure?" Daenerys says barely above a whisper.

"I don't know," Jorah answers as he pulls down at his sleeve.

"How long does it take?" Riva croaks out.

"I don't know that either. But I've seen what happens when it goes far enough. I'll end things before that," When Jorah says that, Daenerys begins to cry while Riva breathes in the warm air, wiping her eyes dry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Daenerys cries out.

"Don't be. All I've ever wanted was to serve you. Tyrion Lannister was right. I love you. I'll always love you. Goodbye, Khaleesi," Daenerys feels her legs go weak as he begins to walk away.

"Do not walk away from your queen, Jorah the Andal," Riva looks up at her while Sylar rubs himself against her side, almost in a comforting way. Jorah turns back to face Daenerys and she approaches him. "You have not been dismissed. You pledged yourself to me. You swore to obey my commands for the rest of your life," Jorah nods. "Well, I command you to find the cure wherever it is in this world. I command you to heal yourself and then return to me. When I take the Seven Kingdoms, I need you by my side," Jorah nods sadly before he walks away, leaving the three alone.


Jorah sits on a horse, watching Daenerys and Riva lead the Dothraki horde out of Vaes Dothrak, Daario not far behind them. He turns his horse around and starts into the wilderness.

~Meereen, Tyrion, Varys, Greyworm and Missandi~

Varys, Misandi, and Greyworm are gathered together. Tyrion pours himself a glass of wine and joins them.

"In the last fortnight since our pact with the Masters, how many killings have been carried out by the Sons of the Harpy?" Varys asks.

"None," Greyworm responds.

"And how many Masters have been butchered by the free men?" Questions Varys.

"Two, but that was the day of the pact. Since then, nothing," Greyworm nods.

"So it's safe to say that a fragile peace has taken hold?" Varys asks.

"For now," Greyworm states.

"For now is the best we get in our profession," Varys sighs out with relief.

"It's not enough," The now fully bearded dwarf says.

"Considering the city was on the brink of civil war, I'd say it's a good start," Varys tilts his head to Tyrion.

"It's not enough for Meereen to have peace. They need to know Daenerys and Riva are responsible for it. The Sons of the Harpy have a good story. Resist the foreign invaders. Our queen has an even better story. Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains and...all that," Tyrion waves off as he forgets the many names Daenerys has taken claim to over the years.

"The people know who brought them freedom," Missandi says.

"Yes, but do they know who brought them security? Who brought about an end to the violence? We need someone the people trust, someone they know who cannot be bought or influenced," Tyrion states.

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