Chapter Nine: Remember That Day?

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Riva got back to her room and noticed a light blue dress on her bed. She sighed and picked it up. She placed it up against her body and looked in the mirror. She looked at herself. Her reflection. She saw her blonde hair in a mess. Her bleeding kneecaps and a torn dress. She saw the innocence and the tear-stained face. She saw her younger self. She saw younger self because, somehow, this was somewhat the same dress she wore the day her father forced her to decide whom she was going to marry.


Riva sat in the smaller chair next to her father. Jaime Lannister stood next to Aerys, his hand on the hilt of his sword. Rhagar sat beside Riva, rubbing her leg and telling everything was going to be alright. She smiled sadly and propped her arm on the side of the seat so she could rest her chin on the base of her hand. Aerys had a large smile on his face. He turned to his daughter, slightly irritated. "Now, now Riva, why the glum face? You're getting a husband soon! Our House will remain strong and powerful with you intertwined with another one!" He roared with joy. Riva forced a pained smile, Aerys seemed to grow slightly more turbulent so Rhagar stepped in.

"I believe Riva is very tired. I was in her chambers last night and she was buzzing around about this day, she was extremely excited, I couldn't get her to sleep until the sun rose over the hills again," Rhagar successfully covered for Riva. Aerys just nodded and turned his attention to the hall in front of him. Riva thanked Rhagar with a genuine smile and he nodded. The first suitor came in first with his father. This 'prince' looked bored as well.

"My son, Oberyn Martell," His father introduced. He faked a smile and walked up to Riva and kissed her pale hand.

"My princess," Oberyn bowed.

"My prince," She responded. He had light brown skin and a beautiful accent. She saw his facial hair begin to grow and her emerald green eyes bored into his doe brown ones. Then, their fathers began to talk about alliances and benefits they will get from joining their houses together. While they shot into a conversation, Oberyn watched the princess. She was beautiful like everyone has said. Riva made eye contact with Oberyn and rolled her eyes showing she was completely bored where she was. Oberyn understood that face and bit back a chuckle. He returned one and Riva bit her fingertip to prevent herself from laughing. The couple finally understood each other, and neither wants to be here or get married at their age. Oberyn had to mask his laughter with a cough. Oberyn decided to make this visit more interesting so he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue making Riva chuckled, she couldn't hold it back. Oberyn smiled largely while Rhagar, noticing what they were doing and also trying not to laugh, burst out with laughter too, along with Jaime who noticed what was happening and trying not to laugh. Aerys and Oberyn's father glared at the young people they were accompanied by.

"Is there a meaning to this?" Aerys roared, causing everyone to be silent. "Riva, why were you laughing like a common whore!?" Aerys screamed, not caring that Rhagar laughed. Riva gulped down fear before she stood up, trying to think of a good excuse.

"I...I...I need to use the...toilets and I could only hold it in by laughing?" Riva tried. Dumb as Aerys was, he allowed Riva to use the restrooms. She walked by Oberyn and they both chuckled slightly. The rest of the suitors were boring and the same, flirting or 10 times older than her. She found most of them annoying or just wanting her for money, power and sex. They didn't care about her, she was a prize to be won, and everyone wanted to win it. When the name 'Targaryen' is spoken, it inserts fear into nearly everyone as more than half of Westeros knows that family. And what every house wants is fear to be in everyone when their name is heard, so this was a perfect chance. Targaryens and whichever house Riva decided to marry into would be the 2 most feared houses. After hours and hours of dull and vexatious suitors, finally, it was the after-party where Riva got to talk and know the suitors more before she decided who she was to marry, at least her father allowed to talk and pick her suitors, that was a huge benefit. She and her father walked into the banquet together, arms linked. Jaime and Rhagar followed behind. Everyone bowed and clapped when they entered. Aerys leaned down to whisper into his daughters' ear as they weaved throughout the people.

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