Chapter Fifty: The Destruction Of Herself

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Her emerald green eyes were darker than usual. Her bright smile no longer existed. Her pallid complexion was ghostly sick with hints of blue and green. Her long beautiful hair was tied away into a messy braid while her dull eyes looked over her city. She took a rather large gulp from her chalice and then placed it down violently causing it to shattered and sent shards of glass skittering across the floor. She walked away from her window and towards her wardrobe where she drew out her armour. Today was the day Winterfell was going to fall. She tugged on the armour she wore when she fought the White Walkers, she thought it would be poetic since the last time she wore it she saved Winterfell and now she was going to destroy it. Once she was clothed, she left the room with her cape swaying behind her. She climbed to the tower to see her massive dragons all waiting for her patiently. She approached Skylar and placed her hand on his dark blue snot. He growled happily and nuzzled further into her body causing a small smile to pull at her lips.

"My soldiers are ready at Winterfell, Sansa and Bran are there along with Northerns. My message was sent to them and only a dozen left, the rest are traitors," She growled, stepping away from Skylar. All her dragons were big now, the size of churches probably. He bowed down and placed his wing down on the floor and she quickly mounted him. "They say the North remembers...they will remember this," She snarled, squeezing her legs together causing Skylar to zoom into the sky with his brother and sister close behind.

"And there she goes," Rhagar taunted as he leaned against a pillar. Jaime rubbed his wrists and glared at him.

"She'll be back," He mumbled as he watched the dragons disappear into the distance.

"And when she returns, you must hold up your end of the deal,"

"You said I can try and talk to her," He growled.

"She's a Targaryen, I highly doubt any word you say will even be processed...but if you must," He strolled away leaving Jaime speechless.





Sansa sighed in annoyance as the noises kept on going as she tried to write letters to her allies.

"The silly Targaryen bitch won't stop, will she?" She seethed as she looked up at Bran who stared emotionlessly out the window. She rolled her eyes when receiving no answer and got back to writing. Two guards entered, their skin covered in snow, sweat and mud. "Reports please," She asked impatiently, not even sparing them a glance.

"A few dozen people have fled after hearing the Queen's message,"

"Ugh, the one that goes like 'I will give you shelter and safety if you leave, but those who stay will die with the traitor of the north'?" She mocked.

"Yes, your grace, that one," She placed down her pen and looked up at the guards, folding her arms on the table.


"Anything else I might want to know?"

"We are vastly outnumbered, she's brought her entire army with her,"

"Any sight of the Targaryen slut?"


"Any...dragon?" She asked, worry flashing in her eyes.

"No, Drogon has not been found by anyone yet, he was last spotted flying East,"

"Good, a fair battle," She stood and brushed off her black gown before striding across the room to peer out the window Bran was staring out of. "Why are they flinging barrels into my kingdom? They should be charging yet they are thousands of feet away," She turned to her guards. "I want the man who made those catapults on my side, I can't believe how far they are launching those rock-filled barrels," She chuckled slightly before turning back to the people in the room.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now