Chapter Sixteen: Snakes in Kingslanding

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Two days past and Riva was feeling amazing again. She could run, mount her horse and practice with her sword without pain. She was currently reading the book about White Walkers in the garden in her favourite Westeros clothing; the milky brown leather overcoat one with a beautiful white tunic and, now, dark leather pants with long dark brown leather boots. She only carried Oath-Breaker this time, she was sheathed and placed over the small of her back. People have been gathering around the gates of the gardens looking out to the long road that led to the ports. Riva enjoyed the exotic smell and colours, her mind was relaxed here. Jaime strode into the gardens and smiled when he saw Riva.

"You've been trying to avoid me," He said while sitting down. She closed her book and looked up with a sad smile.

"Your father...I mean what happened...I was just...I mean...I don't want you to hate me because..."


"Fine," She turned to face him, her arms folded over her chest. Jaime bit back laughter when he saw her cute yet angry face.

"I want you to know, I don't hate you, you and Tyrion are one of the few people that make me happy and make me smile,"

"What about Brienne?"

"She left, remember? You said goodbye a few hours ago..."

"Well...well...well," A thick accent called from behind Riva. She turned around and almost cried. She sprung up and ran over to the owner of the voice. She sprung into the owner and the man easily caught her.

"I can't believe you're back!" She cried out in such a happy voice. The man chuckled into her shoulder and placed her down.

"I can't believe how much you've grown," He rolled his 'r' as he scanned Riva.

"Why are you back here?" Riva asked, breathlessly.

"Boring business," He mumbled. "But I think I'm going to enjoy my stay now I know you're here," He kissed the back of her hand. "So, you and Jaime are together now?" He pointed between them.

"Oberyn!" She playfully smacked his arm.

"What, you've known him for a while," Oberyn chuckled. Oberyn shot into a conversation with the lion almost instantly.

"So, Jaime Lannister is still the member of the Kings guard, are you still the baby of the group?" Oberyn laughed, wrapping an arm around Riva's waist. Jaime gritted his teeth in both jealously and hurt at the insult.

"Oh lighten Jaime, he's joking," Riva poked Oberyn while he laughed. Jaime snorted out a pained laugh as he watched Oberyn act like a protective brother. "Also, Oberyn, you have got me in a very bad mess," She brought up. Oberyn furrowed his brows before realization hit him.

"I apologize for that, listen, Tywin will have no idea you are Targaryen now, you're even safer," Riva huffed but still nuzzled back into his hold. "I brought something for you," Oberyn changed the subject as he orders something to be given to him.

"You didn't have to. And you didn't know I was here," Riva remarked arching a brow.

"I brought it to give it to the most beautiful woman in Kingslanding," Oberyn chuckled. Riva blushed and looked down.

"Lady Sansa is pretty, and Lady Margaery and many others,"

"Not as beautiful as you," He kissed her cheek before he placed a purple rose on top of her left ear. Riva rolled her eyes.

"Cheesy," She responded. Oberyn laughed. "I've missed you a lot," She smiled while hugging Oberyn again.

"And so have I," He kissed the top of her head but pulled away when he noticed how Jaime was staring in pure jealousy. Bronn suddenly came around the corner.

"Sylvia!" Bronn called and stopped when seeing Oberyn. "Ah, your daddy is here," He laughed slightly. Riva nodded. "Well, me and Tyrion know the other said...that you would..." Bronn stumbled on his words, nervous that her father was staring him down. Riva chuckled.

"Of course, see you later father," She kissed his cheek before she skipped to be beside Bronn. Oberyn's milky brown eyes followed them as Jaime huffed and walked back to the Keep, only to have Oberyn following him back.

"So, does that man have a relationship with Riva?" Oberyn asked the Kingslayer as they headed towards the gates. Jaime sighed and pushed the gates open, engulfing the emptiness.

"They are friends, that is all," Jaime responded before he marched away. Oberyn smirked before he too walked away.

"How are you now?" Bronn asked, pushing the doors open. She looked at him with a small smile.

"I feel fantastic," She responded. Tyrion and Shae were already inside, drinking and sitting on pillows.

"You take your time," Tyrion exclaimed as Riva sat beside Shae. Tyrion poured Bronn and Riva wine and passed it to them. "Ok, well, I have heard that the Baratheons play this strange called truths or dares," Tyrion started. Riva furrowed her brows, the unusual name confusing her. "Well, basically, we ask a person if they want a truth or dare. If they want a truth, we ask a question and they have to answer truthfully. If they want a dare, we give them a task they have to complete. Anyone who doesn't do the truth or dare is out of the game," Tyrion drained his goblet before filling it again.

"Sounds fun," Shae said, eyeing the new girl.

"Let's begin!" Tyrion looked around until his eyes landed on Riva. "You can go first...truth or dare?" Riva did not want to answer any questions about anything in case it was about her past.

"I want a dare," The three whispered between themselves before Tyrion smirked.

"Kiss one of us," She rolled her eyes before she leant over and kissed Bronn's cheek, he blushed while he drank. "A proper kiss,"

"You didn't confirm," Tyrion rolled his eyes. "Shae...truth or dare?"


The game continued long into the night, Jaime and Oberyn even joined in. Shae was out along with Tyrion and they left already. Bronn also left after losing a dare Jaime gave him. The other three sat in a triangle while Jaime filled the goblets.

"You know, it's good that you look older than me...otherwise Tywin would've questioned it as we are the same age," Riva slurred as she leant against a pile of pillows.

"Well, I'm five years older than you,"

"Still, you weren't five when you 'made' me," Riva joked as Jaime slid her goblet over to her.

"Ok, who's turn?" Oberyn asked while taking the wine from Jaime.

"Him," Riva chuckled as she pointed at Jaime who was lying on his belly. Jaime thought while he drank.

"Ok, Oberyn, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Oberyn stated, drinking the wine. Jaime rolled over to Riva to discuss the truth.

"What do you want to know?" Jaime slurred. Riva laughed.

"Umm...Does he have any daughters?" Riva slurred while draining her goblet.

"Do you have any daughters?"


The sun was coming over the hills and Oberyn already left, he didn't lose but he went back to Ellira while Jaime and Riva laid on the bed together, not knowing whose room they were in. Riva already placed the purple rose on the drawer before sliding in the bed with Jaime. They still haven't slept and they just laid under the covers with each other. Jaime wrapped his left arm around Riva as she laid on her side and kept running her hand through his hair.

"I would never guard Joffrey," Riva stated after Jaime talked about Joffrey and he came into the world.

"He is my son," Jaime shrugged his shoulders.

"And you are Tywin's should do what he says," She placed a hand on his chest as he eyes started to close.

"There is only one woman I would marry..." Riva hummed but Jaime could tell she was on the verge of sleep. "She doesn't love me back though," Riva didn't respond. "And she's sleeping in my arms," He looked down and saw he peacefully sleeping. He smiled while holding her tighter and closed his eyes.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now