Chapter Twenty Six: My little girl

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Pain. Loss. Hurt. Betrayal. All these emotions filled Riva, it must've had a great effect on Daenerys as well. She rolled out of her bed and quickly stood, not really taking account in her surroundings. She quickly changed into a long, royal blue dress. Patterns of dragon scales in black decorated the bottom half of the dress and the top half was silver armour and a black leather belt came with it. She tied her sword and dagger to it before she tied her hair in a high ponytail. This time, she took Sylar with her for a nice walk, he's been locked up in her room for ages. He was quite tall, just above her knees as he stood. She quickly left her room before she stumbled into a broad chest. She stumbled backwards, a screech leaving her mouth but before she made contact with the marble floor, Daario caught her easily, he wore his usual charming smirk. He helped her up onto her feet, his arms not leaving her waist.

" should be more careful..." Daario chuckled, his brown eyes scanning Riva which she didn't notice.

"'re walking in my did you get down here?" She asked, slowly removing Daario's arms from her waist. Daario chuckled again, eyeing the wolf before looking back at Riva.

"I have my ways,"

"Of course you do," Riva started to walk away but Daario was right behind her. "What do you want then?" She asked as she walked out to find Daenerys, she only saw Rhaegal soaring the bright blue skies. Sylar started to sniff everything he saw, including the feet of the unsuilled.

"I haven't gotten to know you properly...nobody as beautiful as you has ever escaped me," He joked making Riva roll her eyes so much.

"Is that all you've got?" She teased with a smirk, Daario laughed out loud, holding his chest and wiping away fake tears.


"Where's Drogon? Where's Viserion!?" She suddenly asked, very panicked.

"I'm sure they are just flying around," Daario said, stopping beside Riva. She sighed in relief when she saw Drogon come back but no sight of her dragon.

"I have a bad feeling..." She trailed off, turning to face Daario who has trapped her in between him and the railing of the edge of the castle. He smirked down at her and she only smiled playfully. "Move," She said, a giggle sliding past her soft lips.

"Why?" He taunted playfully. Riva glared at him, crossing her arms so she wouldn't be plush against his body.

"You'll regret yourself if you don't move," And that's when he finally slid away, walking behind the princess.

"You'll be pleased to know The Queen has given made you the mother of Viserion," Daario started as they walked to meet Daenerys. Sylar quickly trotted over to walk beside Riva, making Daario scared a little.

"Great, my child is out there somewhere," She looked out at the skies, Rhaegal soaring around with Drogon. She looked at Daario who was staring at her, she tried to ignore it, she knows what he wants. They finally reached the castle and Daario walked away to station himself somewhere else.

"Sister," Daenerys nodded while Riva skipped up the stairs, Sylar in tow as he growled at one of the soldiers. She looked around and saw everyone standing up in a certain order.

"Where do I stand?" Daenerys chuckled.

"Besides me, here," Daenerys motioned to her left and Riva quickly stood beside her. Ser Barristan whispered something in Daenerys's ear before a skinny, tanned man entered wearing creamy robes. He wore a huge hate that was decorated with red and purple cloth. He looked distraught and carried something in a brown bag in both of his arms, it looked heavy. He stood at the foot of the steps. Sylar sat proudly next to Riva.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now