𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆: 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘

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"I should name you," Riva spoke to her black horse. It has been a year of travelling. Her crimson hair was already messy and she felt so dirty. She was currently walking with her horse, not wanting the horse to feel exhausted by her weight. She was sweaty and hasn't found a place to change clothes or clean herself. She stopped and pulled out a map she packed before leaving Castle Black. "Oh we are truly lost," She mumbled to herself, looking around. "Right, we'll go to that bridge, people might live beyond there and we can ask them where we should go," She pulled on the reins again and tucked away the map in her belt beside Oath-Breaker. "I shall call you, hmm, Jon...no, that is bad, Ghost, yes, a very contrasting name for you," She thought aloud. Ghost huffed at her. "Fine, Shadow?" Shadow neighed at his new name causing Riva rolled her eyes. They finally reached the bridge and she saw two people fighting. "Well, at least I can ask the survivor where Dragonstone is," Riva sighed. It was a mild day, the floor was damp and the grass was very wet, she almost slipped. The two humans must've sensed her arrival as they stopped for a moment.

"Who are you?" The man with long dirty hair spat. There was a woman who looked like a man pinned beneath him.

"Oh, I'm Sylvia Sand," She bowed as a man would. The man opened his mouth to respond but the man-woman kicked his manhood and pinned him down.

"What do you need?" The woman asked in a soft voice.

"The directions to Dragonstone," She replied softly. The man punched the woman in the face and she rolled off him. He cut himself free of restrains and used her sword against her.

"Why Dragonstone?" The man asked, blowing his dirty hair out of the way of his sweaty and muddy face.

"Travelling, I'm lost," She answered. The woman slid under the legs of the man and that's when everyone froze. A group of people on horses holding flags of a skinned man who seemed to be upside down arrived.

"That's him," A fat man snorted, pointing. The leader of the pack gave him a bag of, what Riva expected to be, coins before he ran off.

"Kingslayer!" He roared. Both the man and woman sighed loudly. Riva turned to leave but was stopped by the ringleader.

"Oi, pretty Lady, where you off to?" He snarled. Riva turned and saw him staring at her.

"This isn't my fight or agruement or whatever this is," Riva pointed at the man and woman while tugging on the reins of her horse, wishing Shadow would move faster, but he stopped to eat some grass that covered the bridge. Some men got off their horses and chained up the man and woman.

"You're travelling with the Kingslayer, you're working with him,"

"Actually, I just arrived here and I didn't even know his name was Kingslayer," She responded, pulling harder on the reins. Everyone laughed, including Kingslayer.

"His name isn't Kingslayer, he's Jaime fucking Lannister!" He roared with laughter. Jaime smiled weakly and waved.

"Well, I'll be on my way,"

"No you won't," Two men grabbed her arms and started to chain her up. She stamped on their feet and they released her. "I like feisty ones," He yawned. A man passed him a crossbow and shot a bolt at her shoulder and stomach.

"Stop! She's innocent!" The woman pleaded. Jaime just leaned against a horse with a smile. The two men grabbed her again.

"Get her horse," Riva held back tears, bolts are painful. Once she was chained up, one of the men took Oath-Breaker.

"Hey! That's mine!" She snapped, pulling at her cuffs but the other man who's got her arm punched her wound. She screamed in pain. He gave the dagger to the ringleader. Jaime looked at the dagger and almost choked on the air.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now