Chapter Ten: Shadow Protector

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Riva slipped on the robe, walking towards the dining hall. Everyone stared at her as she sat beside Jaime, the only available chair. Smudges of mud still stained her face, after all, the baths here wasn't the best.

"Sorry for being late, Lord Bolton," She ducked her head while picking up a knife and fork and cutting into the thick meat, starving after around a year of not being fed proper food.

"Don't worry, My Lady, I have a business to attend to, you three enjoy yourselves," He stood up and strode out of the room. Brienne sighed as she shoved the meat in her mouth. No one said anything apart from Jaime making sounds of annoyance as he tried to carve his meat to put in his mouth with one hand. He must be starving too, he probably hasn't eaten anything for 2 years. Riva huffed and stopped eating and pulled Jaime's plate in front of her. She used her silver cutlery to cut his meat before pushing back to him who thankes her while eating. Once she finished her plate, she went to her chambers but was not tired at all. Boredom took over her as she looked around her room, not finding anything sparking her interest. She slipped out of her room and took a stroll through Harrenhall, still, nothing catching her interest. She sighed and she found herself looking through different books on her shelves. She ran her finger over each spine of the book, not finding anything good until one certain book caught her attention.

"The Legends Of White Walkers," She mumbled to herself. She pulled the emerald green book out from the dusty maroon shelf and took it to the candlelit table. She brushed off the thick grey dust that stuck to the emerald green paint of the book. In bright, bold, golden letters, the title was directly in the middle. She sat down and opened the book. The parchment was stained yellow and had jet black ink writing inside of it. Riva read aloud. "Many centuries ago, the darkest, coldest and longest winter arrived and devastated the Seven Realms," She began. "Children were born and died in the harsh winter, no-one has seen winter so harsh. Snow, thicker than ash, covered every inch of the air, making people blind to winter. Food stocks ran out in a month in this winter, meaning people would survive off the dead. This worked for a while until the dead bodies started to disappear,

"People started to question the whereabouts of their 'food' and people went out to search for what could be the possible cause. But then, those parties never returned. Party after party would go out and would go missing. That's when they found out the cause of all of this. The people said they saw monsters with dark blue skin and icy blue eyes. They were said to be the size of houses and had an army of dead larger than Westeros itself. They named the monsters White Walkers. The people chose this name because of how white there hair was and how they walked like elegant monsters. They also named them White Walkers because they only attacked in the thickest snow, when nobody could see anything but pure white and then, right before their death, icy blue eyes.

"Nobody knows what happened after that, but when winter left, whatever is brought, it also took back. People were too scared to leave their homes but eventually, they started to realize with was finally summer," Riva flicked to the next page and it told what people used to kill White Walkers and their army. Riva gasped and the realization hit her. "Oath-Breaker!" She suddenly shouted once she saw the word Valyrin Steel. Her weapons were taken away as soon as she stepped foot into the mud-soaked Harrenhall. She slammed shut her new book and tucked it under her arms. She hiked up her dress and ran towards the stables. As she ran through the long, marble corridors, she crashed into somebody much taller than her. She fell backwards and her book slid out of her grip and went across the floor.

She looked up and saw Jaime Lannister. His one arm giving him away. "J...Jaime?" She claimed breathlessly. He went to offer his right hand but quickly looked down in embarrassment. She slowly got up herself.

"Sorry," He mumbled sadly before he picked up her book. His sorrow face spiked into a smirk. "Legends Of The White Walkers?" He snorted out a laugh. Riva snatched her book back.

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