Chapter Fifthteen: Caught

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"Bronn, you will scare her away," Jaime commented as they made their way to the arena.

"She didn't mind, she was looking at the dragon pits for a while," Jaime sighed as he followed Bronn, shoulders slouched.

"Why can't we train in the dragon pits, it'd be easier to walk there than to walk down all these steps," He replied while he continued down the steps.

"It's easy to see the dragon pits,"

"Are you sure no one would see or hear us?"

"I come down here with the farmer's girl, she's a screamer and no one hears her," Jaime rolled his eyes and walked on to the marble flooring. He picked up a sparring sword and flipped it a few times in his left hand before he and Bronn started to train.

Riva heard clashing and talking beneath her but her body wouldn't move. She noticed Oath-Breaker was beside her feet, almost falling onto the marble arena. Riva saw this as an opportunity and slowly used her broken foot to push it off the rock. She sighed in relief when she heard it clatter on the floor and she shut down again, hoping someone down there will help her and get her back to the Red Keep.

"What was that?" Bronn asked, looking behind Jaime as he sat down to drink water. Jaime walked over to the sound and saw Oath-Breaker. He picked it up and looked up.

"Riva," He whispered. "This is R...Sylvia's sword..." He looked up to the rocks while putting the dagger back down.

"What? She threw it out of her window?" Bronn quizzed. Jaime shook his head.

"She wouldn't do that," Bronn rolled his eyes.

"And how do you know that?"

"I know her not to throw Valyrian steel and most likely lose it in the sea...any person with a brain wouldn't do that," He looked up at the sandy rocks before he started to climb the jagged boulders.

"Where the fook you goin'?" Bronn asked, jogging over to Jaime. Tryin his best to haul himself up, he managed to pull himself up four rocks and saw Riva's broken body sprawled over one rock. Jaime gasped as he jumped up to be beside Riva.

"It's Sylvia!" Jaime called out to Bronn who started to quickly climb the rocks after hearing her name. Once Bronn drew himself on to the rock, he also gasped.

"Who? What? How?" Was the only words Bronn could make. Blood trickled down the pale rocks, giving life to this dull area. Jaime looked up and saw a smashed window and one shadow looking down. When their eyes connected, he ran away.

"That man," Jaime pointed up at the empty window. Bronn huffed.

"Bugger ran away," Jaime carefully scooped Riva into his arms and, with the help from Bronn, carefully got her down from the rocks. Jaime then carried her bridal-style back up to the Red Keep. Bronn stayed back to clear up the sparring swords and also collect Riva's dagger. Bronn examined the dagger. A gold lion head stained with fresh blood and Lannister red jewels incrusted into its handle. It was a Lannister blade, so how to a Dornish bastard get a hold of it? Well, not a bastard any more. These question kept rampaging into Bronn's head as he slowly dragged the equipment back to the Red Keep.

Panic spread through Jaime when he realized how much blood Riva was losing. Her arms drooped and her face was smeared with blood. He noticed how a bone stuck out from her body. She had broken limps and he wasn't there to stop it. Once inside the Red Keep, Jaime walked pass everyone just so he could get Riva to the maesters. He started to run as fear washed over him. Tyrion walked pass him and his brows knitted together but he continued his way to Shae and Sansa. Once at the maester's door, he kicked it open. Female nurses were the only people present as Jaime burst through. They all jumped but quickly regained themselves when they noticed it was Ser Jaime Lannister.

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