Chapter Thirty Eight: Arrival At Winterfell

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A/N: Mentions of forced sex.


From now, 90% of the book is my own ideas/plots/story line. My book had major parts like Tyrion coming to Meereen, Jon in Dragonstone, Meeting in Kingslanding e.t.c but now it is quite different. Some parts will stay the same but it is quite different from the HBO GoT Season 8.

Thank you for reading and voting!!

The Northerners gathered outside of Winterfell waiting for the arrival of the Dragon Queen. It was mostly silent throughout the thousands of people, the only sound is the distant marching of the unsullied and Dothraki. Some people were excited to see the dragons while others refused to support a foreign Queen. Sansa watched from above the gates in her new black dress. She tapped impatiently at the bitter stone while she watched the army advance towards her kingdom. Arya was among the crowd of people, she stood by the front as the unsullied march forward, they were almost dividing the crowd into two halves to make a passage for the Queen and her cavalry. Soon later, the unsullied fell back and revealed Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow leading the entire army and advisors towards the gates. Sansa scrunched her nose at the sight of Daenerys. Everyone else did the same, looking at Jon with disapproving looks or glaring at Daenerys. She attempted to smile at everyone but it didn't take her long to realize they oppose against her. She and Jon continued to trot towards the castle while everyone followed. Jorah and Daario roamed behind them and Missandi and Greyworm following them. Tyrion and Varys were inside a carriage behind Greyworm and Missandi. Daenerys turned and addressed Jon.

"They don't approve of me," She mumbled.

"They aren't used to a new Queen, they normally choose their King or Queen, it will take some time," Jon tried to reassure.

"We don't have time. After we defeat the Army of the Dead, we have to advance to Kingslanding," Daenerys snapped back. Jon sighed while guiding his horse forward.

"Trust me, they'll come around soon enough," She huffed at him while scanning the crowd of disappointed people. She didn't believe there would be any way of convincing them she was a good enough leader. There wouldn't be enough time to prove herself to them. Jon missed recognising Arya as he rode past her, talking to Daenerys how to obtain the support of the Northerners. Dany sighed, silencing Jon in the progress.

"Where is Riva? She is supposed to be here," Almost as that was a cue, distant roaring could be heard. All the mumbling from within the crowd stopped and looked for the sound. It was heard again but this time it was much closer. No one from the Targaryen supports looked around, knowing very well it was Riva and the dragons. They kept progressing forward. Daenerys smiled as she watched the faces of the wary Northerners. A few moments later, two majestic dragons shot out from the clouds. Everyone screamed and dived to the floor, covering their heads as they cower beneath the power. All apart from Arya as she looked up in amazement. She also noticed there was a rider upon the back of one, she was standing on them as they flew around and circled the people below them. Riva smirked as she looped around the castle of Winterfell and then over the people again. Sansa looked shocked but also amazed at the giant beasts the soared across the sky. She never thought she would ever see a dragon, let alone one that is here to aid them. After showing off their power and glory, Riva found a field not far from the castle and landed there with the dragons. She grabbed her bag from Rhaegal, who she flew on, and then walked back to the entrance. She quickly jogged in so she could stand beside Daenerys and Jon.

"Winterfell is yours, Your Grace," Sansa smiled at Daenerys before turning to see Riva. Her fake smile turned genuine when she saw Riva. They both embraced each other tightly before letting go. "I still cannot show how much it meant to me in Kingslanding when you...switched your face," She chuckled with Riva.

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