Chapter Twenty Four: My Dragon

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Riva changed into some fresh clothes, unfortunately, it was a dress but, fortunately, it was an emerald green one. It fitted to her torso then flowed out at the bottom. On her torso, gold metalwork was placed there, protecting her from any more vital stabbings. Her hair was down and turned into a neat braid with three silver dragon heads holding it in place. She had a long cape on her back that flowed around. She wore golden sandals and a brown, leather belt to hold Oath-Breaker and Stinger. She was given a small crown but instantly refused.

"But you are a princess," Jorah hummed from her doorway. Riva turned to face him while shoving the maid off her.

"Daenerys is the Queen," Riva scoffed, grabbing the maids' arm and twisting it until she dropped the crown. She cried out in pain and squirmed under her grip.

"Princess...stop, you're hurting her," Jorah stated firmly. Riva let go and the maid picked up the crown and ran away, crying. Riva laughed slightly and walked out of her room besides Jorah to the sunny outside. Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal were happily gnawing on a lamb. Jorah guided Riva to Daenerys. "The Khaleesi wants you to experience a workday...I need to do some business in the town," He quickly said before he trotted down some stairs. Riva entered the pyramid and almost on command, everyone left her and Daenerys.

"Sister, come," Daenerys waved Riva over before guiding her through the massive hall, past her throne that stood at the top of the stairs like a trophy. Riva slowed when she reached the throne and trailed her pale fingers on the armrest. She smiled and looked around her; the Targaryen's will rule once more. She slowly removed her hand from the warm seat and quickly followed Daenerys through a small back door that led to stairs going up and down. She watched her sister hike up her minty blue dress and walked up the stairs like an elegant swan. Riva sighed and slouched her shoulders as she followed Daenerys up the stairs. She took the first step and her dress got caught underneath her foot, causing her to fall backwards. Daenerys stopped on the stairs and turned her head to see her sister lying on the floor, blowing crimson hair out of her face. Daenerys let a chuckle slip past her pink lips as Riva glared at her. She pushed up from the rocky floor and sprung up like a ninja. She ruffled up her gown and walked up the stairs. When the Targaryens' reached the top, Daenerys turned to face her.

"Laugh all you want, I don't like stairs," Riva snapped, placing down the dress and patting it down. Daenerys laughed again and held her stomach, making Riva playfully roll her eyes. "Ok, ok, why did you make me walk up those stairs?" Riva said once Daenerys stopped laughing.

"I believe it's time for me to accept you are my older sister and a true Targaryen needs a dragon. Targaryen's that ride dragons are blood riders," Daenerys started, stepping aside so Riva could see the three dragons run after each other and the large platform, the platform Viserion placed her on after he saved her from the Harpies. "If you are a true blood rider, a dragon will choose you," Daenerys finished slowly pushing Riva closer to them.

"Uh, yeah, of course," Riva said with slight worry that one of the dragons might bite her head off, even though they haven't tried, were they playing her? Once she was close enough, the dragons stopped their little game and glared at her. Drogon slowly manoeuvred so he was behind his mother, Daenerys, but his fiery orbs never left Riva's shaky form. Viserion was the first to approach her, he sniffed her chest before he growled deeply. Riva held her breath in, scared that if she breathed she would lose her life to the monster. He tilted his head to the left before he nuzzled his head in her body. Riva exhaled deeply with relief and chuckled as he playfully tackled her to the ground, Rhaegal joining in along with Drogon. They played amongst each other and Viserion was protecting Riva from any playfully attacks Drogon or Rhaegal attempted to make.

"Well, I believe Viserion has taken a liking to you," Daenerys said in a raspy voice, Riva felt likes she was trying to cover up some jealousy. Riva slowly backed away from the dragons and noticed how her dress was ruined.

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