Chapter Twelve: Welcome Home

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"Fresh Bread!"

"Clams for sale!"

"Fresh steel!"

"Come and get your apples!"

"I'll tell you you're future!"

"Pound cakes for sale! Pound cakes for sale!"

"Why is it so loud?" Riva complained as she held on to Jaime as they weaved through the streets of Kingslanding. Jaime smirked and looked at Riva who was in a mask of mud.

"This is Flee Bottom, not quite the friendly place nor the tranquil," He commented, helping Riva get through the small streets of Kingslanding. Brienne was walking beside Riva and also helping her limp through the small streets. No words were spread between these strangers; no-one noticed these mud-soaked people. Men and women barged pass them, children begged for money and whores tried to seduce all three of them. They finally got to the Red-Keep, Riva thought they got here quite fast. Jaime smiled and unhooked himself from Riva. He walked up but was stopped by guards.

"I'm Jaime Lannister," He stated, almost shocked as to why he was stopped. The guards looked at each other before bursting out with laughter.

"Of course Your Highness, what is that Robb Stark and Caitlyn Stark with you?" One of them joked, laughing. "Bugger off," He replied firmly while his friend laughed. Lucky, Tyrion came out just in time with a tall man with greasy black hair and another man with dark brown hair.

"Brother!" He almost screamed, embracing his brother after he barged past the baffled guards. Once Jaime also embraced his sibling, he nodded for Brienne and Riva to come up the steps. They glanced at each other before limping up the stairs.

"Oh well, isn't it the infamous Tyrion Lannister," Riva smiled, gripping on to Brienne with the small amount of energy she has. Tyrion smiled at Riva.

"Sylvia Sand, If I remember correctly, I left you in Castle Black,"

"And if I remembered correctly, I left you without a massive scar on your face," They both laughed and that's when Riva started to stumble around.

"We need to get her to a maester, now!" Jaime roared as he helped her limp pass the guards and towards one of the many medical rooms. The six of them all went to Grand Maester Pycelle, a fat man with wiry white hair. He coughed as he stumbled over to them.

"My, Jaime Lannister?" He asked, shocked. "You have been missed-" Jaime cut the slow-talking man.

"Yes, yes, now she needs medical attention, a bear attacked her,"

"I can speak," Riva mumbled to Jaime while he smirked.

"Well, you didn't,"

"He was talking," Jaime laughed but it was cut short when a high, bitchy voice was heard followed by loud footsteps and the clattered of armour.

"What is the meaning of all of this?" Everyone turned to see King Joffrey stride down, his Kingsguard following shortly.

"Who's that?" She asked Tyrion.

"My nephew, King Joffrey," Riva snorted a laugh.

"Uncle Jaime!" He exclaimed, no joy, just saying his name. "Took you long enough to get here, didn't it?" Riva scoffed as the maester guided her to a small bed. Jaime was forced to leave along with Tyrion and his partner. Brienne also had business to attend to, something about Catlyn has come in. All who was left was another one of Tyrion's friend and the maester. Riva laid on her back while waiting for the maester to finish cleaning her wound.

"So, who are you suppose to be?" She asked lazily.

"Bronn Of Blackwater Bay," He answered proudly.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now