Chapter Thirty Four: The Spoils Of War

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Jaime cut off Bronn from talking when he heard war cries and horses galloping over the hills. Jaime rode his horse closer to the army that has formed a defence line. Jaime furrowed his brows and then saw a horde of Dothraki come over the hills, Daario leading them. All their curved blades were raised above their heads as more chaotic screams are heard.

"Spears and shields!" Jaime commanded as the soldiers held their shields and aimed their spears and swords at the wild horde. Bronn then pulled Jaime back to him.

"Go back, get back to Kingslanding! Now!" Bronn shouted.

"I'm not leaving my men!" He spat back.

"You're a commander, not a solider. These fuckers are about to swarm us" Bronn retorted.

"We can hold them off!" Suddenly, a roar made him and Bronn look up. Above the Dothraki flew a massive black dragon. Jaime and Bronn were left jaw-dropped as the dragon spat fire on the army. The men were set on fire and started to run around, screaming in agony. The dragon then destroys the carts carrying the money to repay the Iron Banks. Then, the Dothraki came, slicing the men and cutting heads off. Jaime gulped and rode his horse around to avoid the Dothraki. Daenerys continued to roast men alive as she and Drogon caused havoc.

"DRACRYS!" More flames spit from Drogon's jaw and destroy the wagons and carts, barrels and splits of wood fly around as everything beneath Daenerys explodes. Jaime and Bronn watch the damage in astonishment before Jaime turned to face him.

"Bronn! Over there, its the Scorpion, get it and shoot at that!" Jaime shouted orders and motioned to the dragon. Bronn scoffed.

"Why don't you do it?" Jaime raised his right hand, his golden hand. Bronn licked his lips in anger before trotting away to the machine. Jaime watched but was hit off his horse. In all his Lannister armour, he unsheathed his sword and duck at the Dothraki and plunged his sword in the stomach on their horses. He attempted to find any fighters that were on foot and saw one not far away from him, he was very skilled and killing Lannister soldier after Lannister soldier. He ducked another attack from the Dothraki and killed another one before he swung his sword at the other fighter. He spun and stopped the sword. Jaime pushed up and he fell backwards, his helmet coming off. Jaime was about to stab him until he saw who it was. He gasped and stumbled back. The soldier sprung up and wiped herself. She got up and was about to stab Jaime but also stopped when seeing it was him.


"Riva?" They said at the same time before they both embraced each other. "I thought you were dead...I got no more letters from you," He said breathlessly, not letting her go, neither was she letting him go.

"I've missed you...shame we had to meet here," They finally pulled away. She smiled up at him before she placed a hand on his cheek and he held her waist.

"You've changed," He noted.

"And so have you..." She smiled before they hugged again. Riva didn't notice how much he missed him until she was in his arms again. She felt a tear slip down her face as she never let him go, it was almost as if time had frozen and it was just those two left in the world.

"I wish this wasn't how we met again," Jaime whispered as he placed a kiss on her head. She then noticed a Dothraki soldier coming from behind him and Jaime noticed a Lannister soldier sneaking up on her, thinking that Jaime was distracting the princess so he could kill her. Riva pulled away from Jaime and killed the Dothraki man while Jaime slayed the Lannister soldier. They breathed for a moment before walking back to each other.

"It's been far too long," Riva panted and Jaime nodded his head in agreement. Has Riva was about to speak again, Drogon had been shot in the wing and was falling. Riva's eyes widened as she ran to where Drogon crashed. Jaime watched as Riva ran away and grabbed on to a horse running by. He saw Daenerys standing beside Drogon, trying to pull out the spear. He could end it all. The war. Right here, right now, at this moment, he could end it. He looked over his shoulder and saw Riva was busy spilling Lannister blood. He readied himself before galloping towards the Dragon Queen. He grabbed a spear that was impaled in a body and directed the point at his target.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now