Chapter Six: Confidence Comes With A Price

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A/N: Reference to being raped, I'll put up warning you can skip past it but it's the end paragraph so if you don't want to read it, just skip to the next chapter. Thanks for all the reads, enjoy!

Riva woke up when she heard distance chattering. She looked up and saw Jaime and Brienne still asleep. She looked up and saw Locke shouted at some men.

"We're going to Harrenhall, we can sell the pretty one for some good money and then take the Kingslayer to Kingslanding and get some good gold for it," Locke snapped. "Right, everyone, wake up!" He shouted, banging a spoon against the pan. Everyone woke at the noise. Riva was the first one to be untied and she was guided over to Shadow.

"Hey buddy," She cooed at her horse, stroking his nose and hugging his face. Locke came over to Riva and Shadow.

"I thought you and me could ride this big one," He smirked before walking away. 'I can walk' she thought bitterly. Riva sighed and closed her eyes.

"Hey, 'Sylvia'," Jaime mocked with air quotes.

"I'm not who you think I am. You are correct, I've met you once when my father took me to Kingslanding, and I was not impressed by you one bit," She hissed at Jaime. He rolled his eyes but he wore a cocky smile, Riva knew he didn't believe her.

"Kingslayer is with me!" Locke conversed to one random soldier.

"What!?" Both of them shouted.

"I have to be near him!?" Riva whined.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?"

"Everything," She huffed. She angrily crossed her arms and stamped on the floor. Jaime smirked and leaned against the horse, watching the girl in front of him mentally die.

"I can't be...that bad," He said with his usual cockiness. Riva rolled her eyes at him before turning away so she couldn't see the typical Lannister smug face. Once the soldiers packed the tents and their supplies, Locke mounted on Shadow.

"Alright princess, you can either ride with me or walk beside the Kingslayer," Locke declared, grimacing. Riva ran a hand down her face.

"Can I just throw myself over that cliff?" She asked, motioning to the cliff that was a few miles away from where the party of people were. Locke and Jaime chuckled.


"I accompany Jaime then," She huffed. She and Jaime were chained together before Riva was chained besides Locke's feet. Brienne was tied to the horse that was riding beside them. For most of it, it was silent and only Locke's men were laughing and having fun. Jaime dropped back to talk to Brienne while Riva walked beneath Locke who was talking to another man about where to camp next.

"What do you want? Kingslayer," She spat venomously. Jaime rolled his eyes.

"It's about Sylvia; do you think she's really a bastard from Dorne?" Jaime lowered his voice. He was drenched in grime and dirt, still wearing his boots he's been wearing for 2 years. His clothes and himself smelt like shit. Brienne, on the other hand, was still noticeable to be a living human, yes, she still had a large portion of mud covering her making her look more like a man than a woman, but she was much cleaner than Jaime.

"Unlike you, I trust her," She spat. Jaime walked up faster to be beside Sylvia. Riva smelt his disgusting smell before he reached her. She smelt it growing stronger and stronger, rolling her eyes as she felt his presence finally come beside her.

"What is it, Jaime?" She asked, looking at him. She was clean, a few splashes of mud mixed with sweat and her hair in a very messy ponytail. Her emerald eyes bored into Jaime's ones, he forgot he was saying something to her; she seemed so familiar, it feels like they've met. "Jaime? What do you want?" She rasped, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. He put on his smirk again.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now