Chapter Forty Five: Nine Years Later

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~Many Years Later~

The word 'Dracrys' hasn't been heard in nine years, after the destruction of Kingslanding. Well, no one is counting the days apart from Riva. As every day goes, she counts, wanting her reputation not to be based upon her siblings' actions. Her country has been prospecting and reparations finished a few weeks ago, everyone gladly bent the knee for Riva Targaryen, everyone beside Sansa Stark, someone who has started to become an enemy. She tries her best to forget the Northern threat with winter coming to an end and more monsters emerging which include Warlocks and Gondors. Unlike White Walkers, these beasts come out during the summer when they can insert fear into every kingdom and human being.

"Mother! Joron stole my brush, again!" Riva slowly looked up from her desk as her two children came bursting through the doors. She smiled at the sight of her beautiful twins and quickly hid the parchment she was reading.

"I did not 'steal' your brush, I hid it in a place you would never find it," He taunted with a Lannister smirk his father passed down to him. This only angered his sibling further as they continue to bicker between them.

"Joron, Alvarion," The children stopped their arguing and slowly faced their tired mother. "Isn't this what you bother your father about?"

"He said we need to come to you with this,"

"He was with Uncle Tyrion and drinking," Alvarion added as she sat opposite her mother. She laughed bitterly and leaned back in her chair.

"Joron, where's her brush?" Riva asked with a firm, but kind voice. He sighed, not wanting to anger his hot-headed mother.

"It's in the pot,"

"Which one?" Alvarion snapped.

"Hey, don't get snappy," Riva pointed to her daughter who sighed and crossed her arms, blowing a strand of blonde hair from her face.

"The ones with the blue flowers," He grumbled, slouching his shoulders and frowning. Alvarion smirked and quickly left to find her brush. Riva waited for her daughter to leave before turning to her son.

"Next time, make sure she isn't around when you hide it, and then blame it on someone else, you need some lessons on lying," Joron laughed along with his mother before Bronn entered after knocking.

"It's time for your lesson," He said to Joron who rolled his eyes before running towards his sword-fighting teacher. When he left to the court Riva stood up and began to busy herself with files and different letters.

"How's training going?"

"He's getting better," Bronn stepped further in and Riva looked up with curiosity.

"I thought you need to train Joron," He sighed and looked down at his feet before revealing a letter, the wax as already been snapped meaning someone has already read it. He slowly passed it to Riva who snatched it from him. She quickly read the ink before dropping in her seat with a loud huff and burning the paper with her right hand and allowing the ash to fall to the ground. "I knew this was going to happen,"

"We suggest that you should find him so he doesn't fly into his death," She glared at Bronn before slamming her fist on the polished wood and standing up.

"I've been searching for him for the past nine years! He would kill me if I ever found him!" She walked to her window and watched the snow melt away. "He doesn't want to be found, he flies over every year but that's all," She said in a softer tone and turned to face Bronn. "Train Joron," She ordered which he instantly complied to. "Come on Drogon, come home," She whispered to herself. The letter she got was from Sansa Stark saying she has set up Scorpians on her walls and won't hesitate to shoot down Drogon if she sees him.

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