Chapter Forty Three: The Bells

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"Dracrys," Daenerys and Riva say simultaneously. Upon arriving at Kingslanding, Euron's fleet was floating around the borders which the Targaryen's spotted instantly. As quick as they could, they swooped over to the ships before they were noticed and burnt the ships to ash. Large splinters of wood from the base shot out and sunk into the deep sea. The flags disappeared as the hot amber made contact with it and its ashes peacefully fell into the blue ocean. Daenerys and her sister flew above them and circled and flames were poured upon the fleet again, screams and cries of agony filled their ears and Daenerys smirked at the noise before she dodged more Scorpians. Riva and Rhaegal were carefully destroying the ships and avoiding the weapons but Daenerys and Drogon were flying dangerously and being extreme with the attack, making Riva feel slightly sick at the sight, she noticed how her sister was smirking and enjoying scared her, how could her sister do this? Ignoring her sisters' insanity, once the fleet was gone, they moved over to the gates where The Golden Company waited for their army. Riva saw Jon and the Unsullied and the Starks all standing opposite Cersei's chosen calvary. However, while Riva watched from above, Drogon burnt down the gates from behind them and incinerated every single soldier and horse. Their skin tore away and blackened as they screamed and fell to the ground. Riva landed Rhaegal, unsheathed her sword and ran beside Jon as they swarmed into Kingslanding. Drogon, Daenerys and Rhaegal took to the skies and burnt the Scorpians, each one exploding and their remains scattering along the desert-like terrain. Riva and Jon led the armies into the streets and headed directly to the Keep. Innocents and other people were left alone as they all had one goal, Cersei Lannister.

However, on there walk they were stopped by the Lannister's. Red and gold flashed in their eyes as all armies came to a halt. Riva, Jorah, Jon and Greyworm stood in front of their army. They all stared at each other and Daenerys landed Drogon on a close building. He let out a massive roar and tilted his head side to side. Rhaegal was still destroying the remaining Scorpians as Daenerys looked over her work, she waited for the bells.

"Ring the bells!"

"Ring the bells!"

"The bells!"

"Please! The bells!" The people screamed among the city, pleading that the bells would ring. Everyone eyed the bell but also their enemies. Innocents kept crying out for the bells, knowing very well both dragons and the army would kill them all. Daenerys readied herself on Drogon until the single ring of hope chimed in. The bells were ringing. Jon and Riva shared a look of relief as the sound of the ringing were heard over the city. The Lannister's threw their weapons to the floor which made Riva smile even more; they won. Cersei closes her eyes in defeat but her face remains expressionless. Daenerys sits atop Drogon, wide-eyed and fighting frantic energy. She breathes deeply and her face twists with anger. She looks towards the Red Keep, built by her family and where the Targaryens had ruled for three hundred years. She thinks of all that she has suffered and endured and lost. Bells clamour as the Iron Fleet burns in the far distance. Riva bit her lip as she watched her sister who still looked like she was going to destroy the capital. Her breaths were deep and short and it was almost she was trying to stop herself from crying. But a harsh sound was soon heard over the bells. The noise smothered the sound of hope and everyone turned their heads to see what caused the commotion.

"NO!" Riva cried as she watched Rhaegal fall to the ground. A Scorpian hit him in the chest. Two massive spears were in his chest while another was through his eyes. "They surrendered!" Rhaegal's armoured body fell on the outer walls of Kingslanding and his wing fell either side of it. Thick blood trickled down the side of the pale limestone walls as death took him away as it did with Viserion. Drogon cried out and lifted his head and howled in pain. Riva looked up and saw tears fall from Daenerys and then she saw her snap. That fine line that was keeping her sane was finally snapped. She tried to choke back to rage and sadness but couldn't. She and Drogon take to the skies and head directly towards the Keep. As Drogon flies overhead, the citizens and Lannister soldiers panic and run. Behind some fleeing guards, Drogon unleashes his fire, decimating the surrounding buildings and consuming the soldiers. Just beyond, innocents flee as quickly as they can. Drogon rises behind them, constantly spewing his deadly torrent of flame. Buildings collapse under the inferno, and citizens disappear as the raging fire consumes them. People began to scream and then flames left Drogon's snot and onto the city. Riva could only watch in horror along with everyone else, yet Greyworm didn't seem that moved, he also seemed mad. He raised his spear and threw it into an unarmed soldier. Riva's eyes widen as everyone behind them charged forward. Jon, Riva and Jorah were knocked to the ground as the armies charged and massacred the enemy. Jon quickly got up and started to grab soldiers.

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