Chapter Forty Seven: Betrayal Was Never Pretty

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A/N: Just a slight warning, this is when this story is going to get really dark. It's just a warning so if you want everyone such as Riva, Jaime, Tyrion, Jorah, Rhagar, Jon e.t.c to have happy endings, STOP READING NOW. But it would be nice if y'all wanna continue to read because this book as taken up probably a year of my life (wow, the truth is sad!) But it would mean a lot if you kept reading and voting! Thank you for all the votes and reads and commentary, it really helps and puts a smile on my face xxx

Riva tapped on her glass of wine as she stared at the wall of the great hall. She didn't notice the doors behind her open nor her brother entering the room. He sat by her and poured himself a drink, starling her slightly by his sudden appearance.

"I hope I'm not intruding your meeting with the wall," He teased, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm not having a meeting with the wall," She rolled her eyes while raising her glass to her lips.

"Right, you were staring at it intently, maybe trying to burn it with your mind?" He chuckled as Riva playfully smacked his shoulder. "I've heard about you and your...powers," He started, looking at his sister and placing his glass down.

"Yeah, I have those,"


"I was The Prince Who Was Promised," She mocked, resting her chin on the rim of the glass.

"The Prince?"

"Apparently it doesn't matter what gender you are, it was an ancient prophecy which I have heard hundreds of times but don't remember anything of," Rhagar chuckled before moving closer to his twin.

"You've come a long way from what you used to be,"

"A disappointment because I didn't marry a prince...That's not hard to overcome,"

"No, from being the little girl hiding away from her father," Riva looked offended so Rhagar explained himself. "You feared father when we were younger, you can't deny that. You tried to stay away from him or ran behind me when he came towards you, and you cannot deny that either," Riva nodded slowly. "But now look at you, you sit on the Iron Throne, you fear nothing but the destruction of yourself,"

"How do you know what I fear?"

"You don't want to become Viserys or Daenerys, you fear you'll become them. They went through 'the destructions of themselves' and you fear that because if that happens, you'll be exactly what you fear," She drained her glass and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I apprentice the commentary but I can't return it," She placed her cup down before turning to face her brother who wore a small smile. He placed a hand on her leg as they made eye contact.

"I know, I did nothing but run away and then hid, what kind of brother abandons their sister?"

"A brother who is in love,"

"Lyanna could've..."

"Brother, listen," She interrupted, placing her hand over his. "We don't choose who we love, it just happens, and you needed to protect your son and wife, what you did was heroic," She smiled at him and he returned it.

"But I still hid,"

"That was because you could've been killed, you hid for survival," He sighed and looked down.

"I still shouldn't have left you. Because of me, you were banished, humiliated and lost any dignity you had,"

"Being sent to Bravvos was better than staying in Kingslanding. Besides, it was my destiny to train in Bravvos, if I didn't, like you said, I would still be that girl hiding behind her brother away from her father,"

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now