Chapter Thirty Nine: The Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms

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"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father," Daenerys begins. Everyone was gathering in the Great Hall. Everyone was surrounding Jaime Lannister. Sitting at the head of the room is Daenerys and Riva in the centre of a long table; Jon Snow sits by Riva and Sansa Stark sits next to Daenerys. Jaime is standing in the middle of the room facing Daenerys and Riva. On the left of the room, there is a shorter table where Tyrion Lannister, Lord Varys, Missandi and Jorah Mormont sit. On the right, there is another table where Davos Seaworth, Lyanna Mormont, Lord Yohn Royce, Alys Karstark and Brienne Of Tarth sit. "Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor," Jaime's eyes lowered as Daenerys continues. "He told me other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp," She pauses and Jaime looks up at her, avoiding looking at Riva. "We were told that we were going to have no help from the Lannisters, now a one-handed lion comes to our aid," He quickly looks at Riva and then Daenerys. "How can we trust you?"

"You're right, we can't trust this man," Sansa speaks up. Riva looks over at her while she continues. "He attacked my father in the streets and plotted against my family," Jaime finally speaks.

"Do you want me to apologize? I won't. We were at war. What I did, I did it for my family and I'll do it again,"

"The things we do for love," Bran's monotoned voice calls out. Everyone looks at him as Jaime freezes and Bran never breaks eye-contact with Jaime.

"So why abandon your family now?" Daenerys asks as she leans back in her chair. Jaime looks at Riva before looking back at Daenerys.

"Because this goes beyond loyalty," Dany looks displeased and Tyrion seems to notice.

"I know my brother,"

"Like you knew your sister," Daenerys hisses. Tyrion glares at her before continuing.

"He came to Winterfell knowing full well how he'll be received. Why wouldn't you trust him or believe him?"

"Perhaps he thought his little brother would defend him right up to the moment he slices my throat," Dany glares at Tyrion. She nods to two guards who starts to approach Jaime. He sighs and looks down at his feet. Tyrion looks to Riva who stands up, causing everyone to look at her and the guards to stop.

"We may be enemies, we may not trust each other but I do trust Jaime. Once I was captured with him and Brienne," She looks at the pair. "Once these men attempted to force themselves upon me and Jaime lost his hand to save me from them. He is a man of honour. He also protected me while I lived in Kingslanding when I was a child. When Rhagar couldn't protect me, he would. He would never betray me, let alone kill you," She looks down at Daenerys who was looking up at her. "Then, he helped me return to you in Meereen. Anything Jaime did with me was only to help and aid,"

"May I add," Brienne stands and steps forward. "Along with what the princess said, he also protected me. He armed me and set me out to fulfil Lady Catlyn's orders to find and protect her children. Without Jaime Lannister, My Lady," She looks at Sansa. "You would be dead," There is a moment of silence in the room with Tyrion, Riva, Brienne and Jaime looking around and standing. Sansa then stands.

"If both Princess Riva and Lady Brienne vouch for this man, then so do I," She smiled before she hiked her dress and left the room. Daenerys narrowed her eyes at her sister who sat down again.

"I need to talk with you later," She growled before standing and leaving, everyone following after. Jaime sighed in relief while Riva walked over to him. Once she and he were alone, she hit him across the face.

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