Chapter Twenty Five: You I don't want in my city dead or alive

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"Daenerys, he's here," Riva said, standing beside the throne and watched Jorah enter the room, fear present in his face and timid movements. He slowly walked in, Daenerys glared daggers at him as he walked in. He took a deep breath before he slowly ambled up the stairs, Barristan and Greyworm stepping forward to prevent him from coming closer. Riva felt for Jorah, she has come to like this man who has done nothing but help her and protect her.

"Why did the user pardon you?" She said softly, not wanting to lose her temper with the man. Riva maneuverer around the throne like a wolf, protecting Daenerys.

"If we could speak alone..." Jorah asked after making eye contact with Riva.

"No," Daenerys interrupted. "Speak to me here. Explain it to me," She looked back at Riva who was still staring down at Jorah. "Explain to Riva and everyone else," She said in a scary soft voice.

"Who do you think sent this to Meereen? Who profits? This is the work of Tywin Lannister. He wants to divide us. If we're fighting each other we're not fighting him," Jorah attempted, Riva felt her hands heat up again as both sadness and anger filled her head. Daenerys was very quick in responding.

"The pardon was signed the year we met," She said with growing anger. "Why were you pardoned...unless you're saying this document is forged?"

"It is not forged," Riva felt her heart shattered into pieces along with her sister but she showed no emotion and only quipped back a response.

"Why then?"

"I sent lettered to Varys. The spymaster of Kingslanding," Varys. That rung a bell in Riva's head as she glared at Jorah with Daenerys, but her anger started to fade and more sadness filled her, Daenerys was very quick, she was good at this game.

"What was the content of these letters?"


"What information?" Daenerys was extremely quick.

"When you and Viserys arrived in Pentos. His plan to marry you to Khal Drogo. When you were married, when your brother died,"

"You told him I was carrying Drogo's child?"


"Yes or no!" 'Shit' Riva thought.


"Don't call me that! Did you tell him I was carrying Drogo's child!?"

"Yes," She stood up, Riva's hand shot to her handle of her sword, scared of what Daenerys might do.

"That wine merchant tried to poison me," She started to walk down the steps, Riva following behind. "Because of your information,"

"I stopped you from drinking his wine," She stopped only a few steps away from him.

"Because you knew it was poisoned,"

"I suspected,"

"You betrayed me...from the first," He went to his knees.

"Forgive me...another...I...Please Khaleesi-" He stumbled over his words.

"You sold my secrets to the man who killed my father,"

"I have protected you,"

"And sold my brother's throne,"

"I have fought for you...I have killed for you!"

"And you want me to forgive you!"

"I have loved you..."

"Love? Love? How can you say that to me? Any man would have you executed," Riva glared at her sister, no...Daenerys can't have him killed. Riva closed her eyes, trying to prepare herself for the worst, her breath hitched. "But you...I do not want in my city dead or alive," Riva allowed herself to breath and she opened her eyes, looking down at a distraught Jorah and an angry Targaryen. "Go back to your masters in Kingslanding, collect your pardon if you can," Sarcasm dripped of every single word she said, laced with hatred and betrayal.

"Daenerys pleased," He reached out for her.

"Don't ever attempt to touch me or speak my name again..." She pulled her arms away from his touch "You have until dusk to collect your things and leave this city if you are found in Meereen past break of day...I'll have your head thrown into slavers bay," Riva looked at Daenerys, why is she rhyming her words? "," Jorah looked down, tears threating to fall as he whisked away, guards following close behind. Riva watched Jorah leave before an idea struck her, he had around an hour to collect his things. She jogged away from her sister and met outside with Jorah. He was on the brink of tears as he slowly strolled to collect his things. Riva grabbed his arm and quickly pulled him to her chambers.

"Princess...what are you..." Jorah attempted.

"No more time for this! Follow!" She rasped, pulling him into her chambers. She released his arm and grabbed her bag and pulled out the bone that summoned the eagle. She waltzed towards Jorah and looked up at him. "For decades, I spent my life trying to prove to my world that I was more than just a body, I was something more..." She wiped away Jorah's tears. "Now it is time to prove to your world that you are more than a traitor," She handed Jorah the bone. "Blow here and help will come...I want to see you again...I want you to regain yourself...please...use this to protect yourself...I don't want you to die," She spoke softly. Jorah looked down at the bone, a small smile at his lips.

"Princess, I..." But he was cut off by Riva's lips pressing against his for a split second. She pulled away, their eyes never leaving each others'.

"Farewell, Ser Jorah," She said, trailing her hand down his golden cheek. A smile cracked at his lips before he strode away to collect his belongings and leave Meereen. Riva sat in front of her mirror. She trailed her bone like fingers through her long crimson hair. A single tear slipped passed her cheek and her finger trailed across her necklace Jaime gave her...she won't be able to tell Daenerys about Jaime...she'll have to leave Meereen...where would she go?

Kingslanding...Cersei and Tywin wants her dead.

Bravos...Wanted dead.

Any other town in Essos...she'll be raped and murdered.

Castle Black...Allister Thorne wants her dead.

Anywhere else...wanted dead or alive.

Riva glared at her self. Sylar then came over, growing quite quickly. A small smile appeared on her face as the wolf nuzzled into her leg.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now