Chapter Thirty Seven: The Dragon And The Wolf

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A/N: Slight smut and mentions of sexual intercourse.

When Riva got off the ship, she saw Brienne and Podrick patiently waiting. She ran up to them and embraced them tightly. Brienne laughed and hugged her back along with Podrick who was still confused but chuckled anyway.

"It's been so long," Brienne smiled as they pulled away. "And now you're a princess...a Targaryen," Brienne chuckled.

"Yeah, a lot has changed," Jon and Davos and their 'team' started to walk off the ports and to the gates. Brienne and Podrick started to walk with Riva until Brienne spotted Sandor.

"Son of a bitch, I thought I killed him," She mumbled before dropping back.

"Are you nervous? Seeing Jaime again?" Podrick asked. Riva thought about it while Sylar ran towards Tyrion who was waiting by the gates as well.

"We met each other at Highgarden...not in the way I was hoping for but I suppose I'm still nervous...especially now that Cersei is going to be there, convincing her is going to be hard," Podrick nodded and Tyrion walked over to greet him.

"My old friend," The started to talk so Riva walked ahead with Sylar and walked by Jorah as they made their way to the Dragonpits.

"Isn't this exciting?" She mumbled to Jorah who laughed.

"I thought you would be more nervous,"

"I know but, this has got my blood pumping," She chuckled before bringing a flask to her lips. "Water?" She offered Jorah who declined. They then reached the entrance to the Dragonpits. Riva stopped when she saw the pits and breathed as people began to file in. Jorah stopped next to her. "I'll be go in," He nodded and walked in, his hand on the hilt of his sword. She thought she would ready to face Cersei but now she was close, she wasn't. Jon and Davos walked to her.

"Are you ok?"

"I feel sick," Riva responded. Jon motioned Davos to follow the others while he went to Riva.

"It'll be fine, no one will hurt you, you have all these men and women..." He motioned to Brienne who passed him. "...protecting you," Riva smiled.

"I know..." She breathed and waited for the last of the group to walk in. "Okay..." She and Jon then walked into the large pits. There were three platforms in the middle, the left being the Targaryen soldiers and supports, the middle being the Lannsiters and the right being the Northerners. Theon and Euron were also there, giving each other dirty looks. Riva strolled in and when she saw Jaime talking to Cersei, she smiled, just seeing him made her happy again. Cersei turned around and saw Riva, her smile turned to a foul expression as she glared at Riva, ignoring Jaime. Riva smirked at her and Jaime turned to see what Cersei was glaring at and his dull expression lightened up when he saw her.

"Riva," He whispered to himself. Cersei turned her head to Jaime.

"Shut up," She snarled at him. Riva sat next to Jorah with an empty seat next to her. Moments went by and Dany still hasn't arrived and Cersei was getting impatient. "Where is she?" She asked Riva while she leaned forward slightly.

"She'll be here shortly," Cersei huffed and moved in her seat.

"Didn't travel with you?" Cersei raised a brow.

"I'm afraid not," Riva sends a big smile back at Cersei. Everyone then waits. Jaime and Riva smile at each other while the others tap their feet. Suddenly, dragons screech. Jaime and Euron stand to watch the dragons arrive. Drogon lands powerfully next to the stage and roars. Tyrion turns to look at Cersei's nonchalant expression, she is almost scrunching her nose up in disgust at the sight of the dragons. Jon and Davos look on as Drogon roars again, lowering his head to reveal Daenerys on his back. Drogon climbs down to the dragon pit, and Daenerys dismounts. She walks to the platforms as Drogon flies away. Daenerys and Cersei eye one another as she takes her seat next to Riva.

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