Chapter Twenty-One: Meereen

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Months passed of Riva clambering over hills and trotting through forests. She asked a random man with a burnt face and with a little girl were the ports were for Essos and instead of helping, he tried to kill her. She stopped at Brothels and bars just so she had shelter and food; shelter for sleep and food for strength, she needs it if she was going to survive months in the wild clutches of Westeros. Thoughts of Jaime and the Night King kept flashing through her mind as she walked besides Shadow, she decided to give him a break from her weight.

"The timbers groaned, river winds softly moaned. Oh, the king of the north doesn't know how a red wedding goes," Riva sang as birds chirped.

"Sylvia?" A voice called behind her. With a quirked brow, she turned, unsheathing Stinger. She saw...she saw Jon.

"Jon?" She responded. They both laughed before they ran up to each other and embraced each other. He was surrounded by other people dressed in thick brown clothing. One girl with fiery hair stepped closer, drawing an arrow. "You left the crows for the wildlings?" She giggled, Jon smiled and nodded.

"Who is she," The woman whispered in his ear.

"An old friend," Jon replied. "Where have you been for the past year,"

"Oh well, got captured, got to Kingslanding then left to go Meereen," She responded. Jon nodded his head.

"You know me, left the crows for the free folk,"

"Do we need to kill 'er?" One man with ginger hair stepped forward.

"No Tormund, she's Jon's friend,"

"A crow?"

"I'm no crow," Riva responded to him.

"You're a dragon," A bald one responded. Tormund rolled his eyes.

"This one sees things," He roared. Riva slowly nodded her head. "You a fighter?" He nodded at her long sword.

"Yes, I've been trained to fight better than the lot of you," She smirked, flipping the sword around. The gang quirked brows and laughed. "It may be a joke now but in battle, you won't be laughing, you'll be screaming,"

"I drank giants milk, no one can defeat me,"

"It's a good thing I'm no-one then," She quipped. Tormund laughed and got his large axe attached to a pale wooden stick.

"C'mon then girl let's see if ya can beat me," He retorted back with a chuckle. Riva laughed and quirked a brow.

"Just us two?" She questioned, he nodded. "No killing?" Tormund roared with laughter.

"We'll see," Before he charged at Riva, the fiery-haired girl holding Jon back, a smirk plastered on her face. The other's surrounded the duo as Tormund made his first swing at her legs. Riva closed her eyes before she jumped over the steel. Tormund tripped over his feet for a moment, while he tried to stand, Riva kicked him in his back. He stumbled around but his body controlled itself not to fall on his face. With a half growl and half laugh, he quickly turned around and swung his axe with great force. Riva sprung back and used her sword for balance. Identifying her movements, he kicked at her sword but Riva swung it at his legs, making him stumble around. He growled and charged at Riva, she hoped to the side and allowed Tormund to crash into his people surrounding him.

"C'mon Tormund!" The fiery-haired girl called out. His people pushed him back in and Tormund charged, his axe held high and Riva made the weapons collide. Riva lifted her hips and made her feet crash into Tormund's chest while she cut his axe in half. The steel fell from the cracked stick and rolled besides Jon while Tormund made impact with the ground. Riva pressed her feet on his chest and placed her bitter steel to his neck. Fear filled in Tormund's eyes, thinking she was going to kill him. Tormund closed his eyes and tried to get accustomed to death but he felt the bitterness leave and the pressure fall from his chest. He slowly peeled his eyelids opened and saw the redhead holding out her hand for him to take. He slowly reached up and with unexpected force from her, he was on his feet. He felt like he's been stabbed with guiltiness, he was going to show her no mercy but her she still stands, helping his ass.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now