Chapter Forty One: To Overcome Is Power

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People started to emerge from the Crypts and when spotting their beloved ones still alive, they threw themselves at them into a tight embrace. Jaime limped over to where Jorah and Daenerys, they seemed to be in deep conversation. They were both covered in blood, the Queen's white dress was no longer that pure colour. Jorah's face and armour was also drenched in mud and blood.

"Your Grace, have you seen your sister?" Jaime asked Daenerys.

"No...I thought she was with you," She furrowed her brows while Jorah's eyes widened.

"She was...she commanded the armies while you were busy with Viserion...she left to protect Bran and then a few moments later, the dead fell," Jaime mumbled as the realization hit him and he smiled. "She killed the Night King," Jaime then ran to where he knew Bran was being kept. He ran through the courts with a large smile. He jumped over the broken head to Viserion and then through the small black gate. He saw the white tree trunk and the wheelchair beneath it. Bran looked down at his feet while fiddling with his hands. Jaime slowed when noticed Bran's odd behaviour and he gasped when he saw Arya's dead body slumped against the wall. He then looked over to Bran and saw her. He brought his hand to his mouth and ran over to the body. He knelt beside it and noticed her chest was no longer rising and her perfect green orbs stared at the cloudy sky. "," He lifted her body on to his lap and moved out some stray red hairs from her face. He quickly removed her large dragon armour and threw it away while holding her limp body. "Please...Riva...please," He began to cry and his body shook as he held on to his love tighter.

"She fought well," Bran's voice rang but Jaime simply ignored him. He rocked himself back and forward with Riva in his arms, tears pouring down his face and onto his love. He heard footsteps behind him and then a strangled cry. It was Daenerys and Jorah. She gasped and cried out. She quickly turned away from her sister and into Jorah who instantly wrapped an arm around her as she cried into him. Jaime looked down at Riva's cold face and shook his head.

" you can't can't leave me," He lamented, unable to control the tears that slipped past his cheek. "Riva...don't leave me,"

"She won't leave you," A new, unfamiliar voice called from behind everyone. Jaime didn't turn and kept his eyes on Riva. Daenerys looked up and Jorah turned to see the owner of the voice. "She is not done," The lady walked past Jorah and Daenerys and to where Jaime and Riva were. She was the lady Riva has seen appear everywhere. She was the Red Lady, long red hair and white skin. She wore a giant red hood that covered her face with shadows. Jaime held Riva closer to his chest and turned his body away from the woman who sat next to him.

"Don't touch her," He growled at the woman who sighed.

"I need to bring her back," She spoke sternly. Jaime slowly turned his head to look at the woman who started to roll her sleeves up, revealing her grey arms. He looked back at Riva's lifeless body and then the woman.

"No one can bring people back," He whispered, wiping his wet eyes.

"Let her try, at least," Jorah said from where he held Daenerys. She had red puffy eyes as she looked at her dead sister. Though they argued previously, everything her sister did was to help her get to Westeros. She fought in battles she didn't want to, killed people she would never have considered of annihilating and ultimately sacrificed herself to save everyone. Jaime lowered Riva's corpse on the snow and anxiously observed the woman. Both Jorah and Daenerys came closer to watch as well, his arm still around her waist. The woman placed her aged hands over Riva's chest and her hands started to glow a dark green as foreign words poured from her mouth. The woman's eyes glowed green as well as she repeated the words several times. She stood up, wiped the snow off her dress and started to walk away. Jaime looked at the woman and then Riva who still wasn't breathing.

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