Chapter Forty Nine: So, Do We Have A Deal?

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Oberyn and Riva sat beside each other on a small, white marble bench, holding hands. She laid her head against his shoulder as they sat in comfortable silence. They stayed like that for a while until he broke the comfy censorship.

"I'm sorry about Alvarion and Joron, they seemed like good children,"

"How do you know?" She croaked up, looking up at his milky brown eyes.

"We see all that come to the afterlife...It's complicated to explain but we meet everyone up there. Your sister, Daenerys, she is taking care of them, she's kind and sweet," Riva sniffled and smiled slightly.

"She's not mad?"

"No, calm and collective, she's told me a lot about you and how you've grown-up," He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a small squeeze. "I'm proud of you, princess,"

"I'm not a princess anymore, I'm the Queen," She smiled, feeling secure and happy in his warm grip.


"Seems as though news doesn't spread throughout the afterlife," She joked, wiping her eyes with her hand.

"We don't see what happens while we are gone, we get our information from the people who remember," Oberyn smiled kindly as Riva nuzzled back into him. "I have one questions, my dragon,"


"Why did you bring me back?"

"I needed you, I need someone to trust,"

"And does the Lannister boy make you uneasy?"

"He's not the same man I fell for years ago, he's different...after he killed Cersei, he doesn't seem like himself," Riva felt her blood boil. "He misses Cersei, he cares more about her than me," Oberyn placed a hand on her leg to calm her down, he always knew how to tame the dragon.

"My sweet Riva, do not stress yourself, let's head back to your home and speak this all out," She smiled and nodded.



Jaime groaned when Rhagar called out to him.

"What do you need now?" He hissed as he continued his quick march.

"Riva's ship is back into the ports...they're offloading ingredients needed to make Wildfire," He panted as he bent down to catch his breath. Jaime quickly left to meet his beloved wife at the ports and Rhagar laughed when he was gone.

"Your Grace," Rhagar turned and saw one of his guards approach him.

"Not too loud...anyway, what is it?"

"The raven that was supposed to be sent to Sansa was shot down, no ravens are allowed to or from Kingslanding, it's the traitor queen new rule," Rhagar growled and punched the wall beside him.

"Looks like she needs to die before the destruction...wait...actually, I'll let her destroy Winterfell, saves me the job of killing Sansa once my sister is dead, thank you, Brienne," She nods before quickly leaving.

Jaime weaved between the men carrying barrels of various liquids and substances and once he reached the ship, his heart plummeted, there he stood, his arms wrapped around Riva as they stared out at the ocean, laughing. She did it. He stormed up the bridge and Riva smiled at him.

"What have you done?" He seethed as he pulls Oberyn off her.

"I brought him back from the dead..."

"I can see that! You used dark magic!" She scoffed and crossed her arms.

"So, at least Oberyn is back,"

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now