Chapter Forty Six: Rhagar's Return

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Silence filled the room, no one made a move, no even the children who were extremely baffled. Riva tilted her head slightly, trying to comprehend what she was seeing.

"I'll take Alvarion and Joran," Jaime whispered in Riva's ear and she nodded. He walked over to his most prized gifts and started to guide them out.

"Please leave us," Riva's shaky voice echoed through the room and everyone obeyed instantly. Once all the doors closed, Rhagar took a step closer to his sister who stepped back. "Don't," She spoke barely above a whisper. He smirked and looked down before back up.

"Your children are as beautiful as you," He began as he bent his right leg slightly, yet Riva didn't respond. "Father would be proud,"

"You don't get to come here and start talking as if our past never happened," She hissed as she placed her hands over her stomach. Rhagar let a sigh escape his lips as he looked up at his twin.

"I suppose you want to know why I'm here, yes?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"No, not at all. I don't want to know why my brother is alive when Robert Baratheon killed him!" She shouted, placing a hand on her throne.

"He did find me, but he didn't kill me, he locked me away near the shores of Slavers Bay, he wanted me to be alive so I could be used as bait against my family, but when he found out the Targaryen's were no longer a threat, he said he killed me,"

"Why did he keep you alive?" She seethed, not believing her brothers' story.

"He was on his way to kill me but I managed to escape,"


"The bars were old and rusty, I kicked them down and stole a boat and sailed away,"

"You knew I was in Bravvos, why didn't you come to me?" Riva didn't hesitate, not because of her anger towards Rhagar, but because of the million questions buzzing in her head. But she was cold when she quizzed her brother, hatred dripped off every word and betrayal was seen across her face.

"I couldn't face you, I allowed father to banish you, I wasn't there for my little sister,"

"I am your twin,"

"You'll always be my little sister that needs protecting," He smiled but that quickly left his face when Riva didn't seem moved by his words, she seemed offended.

"You'll leave by noon tomorrow," And she turned to leave.

"That won't happen," She stopped and turned to face her brother. "I won't leave you again,"

"Me and Dany were in Meereen," She began, taking a step closer. "You stayed hidden," She stalked closer to the tip of the stairs. "We were powerful and finally came home," She began to slowly descend the staircase. "You stayed hidden," Rhagar looked away in shame. "We were in Winterfell, you stayed hidden," She was finally a step above her brother, she looked taller and more powerful than him. "Maybe if you brought your ass out form hiding, you could've helped me save my sister!" Tears began to slide down Riva's cheek. "If you cared about your family, you would've come sooner!"

"I COULDN'T!" Rhagar finally snapped, causing Riva to stumble backwards. "If I stepped out from the shadows, I would've been killed,"

"But instead you allowed your family to be killed," Rhagar stood there shocked as Riva stared him down, her voice cold and emotionless.

"It's been nine years since she died, get over it," He snapped.

"I lost my sister years before her death," She growled, backing her way back up to the throne. "But never tell me to get over my family dying, you are used to this, aren't you?" She stopped in front of the throne and ran her hand over it. "You sit by the side and gladly watch your family slowly develop into madness before they die,"

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