Chapter Twenty Seven: Get him out of my sight

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Riva decided to conceal her in her chambers for a while, only allowing servants to enter or only going out for patrol. She decided to leave for patrol again, she was with Greyworm and Daario again. They were alright but can be very difficult to get them to work together. She dressed in some simple, brown leather armour. She took Stinger with her and quickly got out of her room after feeding Sylar and allowing him to rest some more.

"You're up already?" Daario mocked with a gasp. Riva glared at him but continued to walk by, not saying a word. "Lost your tongue?" She stopped in her tracks and turn to face him.

"Considering I'm with you and Greyworm, I might as well lose it," Daario chuckled and followed Riva outside.

"Well, we are taking horse's out today, apparently there has been some Harpy trouble down in the streets, safer to use horses," Daario said, changing Riva's direction to the stables.

"Shadow will be happy," She announced, practically running to her horse she missed oh so much. She saw little kids playing in the stables and a very annoyed Shadow. "SHADOW!" She screamed, running to her black stallion and hugging him. He neighed and nuzzled closer to his favourite person.

~Hours later~

"I work the way I work,"

"You work wrong, Unsuitable for a queen,"

"Well, she seems pretty pleased with my service," Daario winked at Greyworm who growled.

"She shouldn't be pleased, you are very bad,"

"Need to work on that language a bit better to offend me,"

"You need to work on Valyrian to impress the Queen,"

"My tongue already impresses the Queen,"

"Shut up you two, I have listened to this shit for hours, you're going to make me lose my sanity!" Riva snapped at Greyworm and Daario who were riding behind her and bickering. It has been four hours, so their shift was finally over. They were making tracks to go back to the castle. "No Harpy trouble at least," Riva yawned but instantly heard screaming from an alleyway to her left. She groaned before turning a tired Shadow into the ally.

"HARPIES!" Daario called out. Four golden masked people stopped at hearing their group name. Daario, Greyworm and Riva all dismounted their horses' and unsheathed their weapons.

"Four against three," Riva smirked. "I'll take two, you guys take the others out," They nodded and started to fight. Riva jumped and plunged her sword into a Harpy. She killed the other one in speed. Six more entered. She killed another two and Greyworm killed three. "Four,"

"Four," Greyworm smirked. Riva raised her brow.

"Ah, turning this into a game," Her smirk grew when Greyworm agreed. Daario was still on his second Harpy when loads more ran towards them. They were all finished with as Greyworm and Riva cleaned their swords and spears.

"Seven," Greyworm started.

"Nine," She gave him the finger. Greyworm saw Daario was still fighting two and he threw his spear into one, quickly pulled it out and killed the other one.

"Nine," He called out to Riva who laughed before one jumped from above and onto her. It whacked her over the head with a spear. Riva stumbled back and lost grip on Stinger and in an attempt to get it back, it slid further away right to the feet of the Harpy.

The golden masked killer picked up the heavy sword and sauntered towards Riva, the sword dragging on the floor. Riva tried to move away but her ears were ringing. She braced herself for impact but heard heavy and rushed footsteps. She peeled her eyes open and saw Shadow kick the Harpy. Riva breathed in relief and used Shadow to heave herself back onto her feet. She was about to grab the sword beside her feet that the other, dead Harpy carried. Just as she bent down to pick it up, Shadow screamed before he fell to the side. Riva's eyes widen as she watched her horse fall sideways, his blood spilling across the stoned floor. Riva froze in her squatting position, her eyes never leaving her horse that writhed in pain. Shadow kicked his legs out before he was quickly consumed by a blanket of death. Riva couldn't move nor look away. She couldn't make any sound or expression.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now