Chapter Twenty Eight: Dance Of Dragons

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It was a big fight event in Meereen. Riva was almost dreading it, having to be standing next to Daario. Riva wore the royal blue dress she wore yesterday, it was perfect to hold her weapons. She fitted the leather top on and attached her swords to it. She kept Sylar in her room as he doesn't like Tyrion and made her way to the pits. Upon arriving she sees Daenerys sitting next to Missandei at the top of the pit, with an open seat between her and Tyrion at the end, and Daario standing behind them. Riva quickly takes a place next to Daario who smirks at her. Daenerys looked back at her.

"You took your time," Daenerys said playfully.

"Sylar was being a pain in the ass," Daenerys laughed.

"Your wolf is a hazard,"

"And so is your husband, Daenerys," Riva scoffed. Daenerys smirked slightly, still turned to face her sister.

"Call me Dany," As Riva was about to speak up, Hizdahr takes the open seat. "Where have you been?" Dany rasped.

"Just making sure everything's in order," Daario and Riva didn't like him. He was very annoying. Riva looked around and saw the pits were covered in Targaryen flags. A middle-aged man steps forward, obviously the announcer. He speaks in Valyrian Riva translate for Tyrion as he is not good with that language.

"Free citizens of Meereen! By the blessings of the Graces and her majesty the Queen, welcome to the Great Games!" The Announcer raises his hands and the crowd begins to roar. Riva looks completely disgusted along with Dany and Missandi. "My queen, our first contest. Who will triumph: the strong or the quick?" Why was there always a 'strong' versus a 'quick' competition?

"I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious queen," The quick one said, hand over his heart.

"I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious queen," The strong one repeated. They stand, waiting in front of her. The crowd is silent. Riva looks around and spots something gold within the crowd. She shrugs it off and looks back.

"They're waiting for you. Clap your hands," Dany's husband whispered. Daenerys looks down at the two men. After a moment, and with a look of disgust on her face, she claps her hands. The crowd roars and they start fighting. After some parries, the Quick man slices at the Strong man's neck.

"That one, the smaller man, no question, that's where you should put your money," Daario said once again.

"I'm pretty sure we had the same argument yesterday," Riva replied, squatting with Daario.

"The smaller man it is," Tyrion responded making Riva roll her eyes.

"I'm not putting my money anywhere. Or you, Riva," Daenerys eyed Riva who frowned like a child.

"Kings and queens never bet on the games. Perhaps you should go find someone who does," Said Hizdahr while looking between Riva and Dany and finally Daario.

"People used to bet against me when I fought in the pits," Daario started and looks directly at Hizdahr. "He would have bet against me. Common novice mistake,"

"I have spent much of my life in Meereen, and in my experience, larger men do triumph over smaller man, far more often than not," Hizdahr snapped back.

"Has your experience ever involved any actual fighting? You, yourself, have you ever tried to kill a man that was trying to kill you?" Riva said while Dany nodded and looked at him. Hizdahr goes silent. "That's what I thought,"

"Whenever I got into the pit against a beast like that one, the crowd saw me, all skin and bone back then, then they saw a pile of angry muscles ready to murder me. They couldn't get their money out fast enough. But the pile of angry muscles never had any muscles here," Daario puts a dagger to Hizdahr's neck extremely quickly "Or here," He moves his dagger to the under of his chin. "And the big men were always too slow to stop my dagger from going where their muscles weren't. Yes, whenever I saw a beast like that one, standing across from me making his beast faces, I knew I could rest easy," Riva smirked at Daario and upon seeing her smirk, he felt proud of himself. The Strong man decapitates the Quick man with one quick stroke. Hizdahr smiles and Daario looks turns away angrily. Riva laughs at his childish behaviour. Tyrion says nothing but gulps.

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