Chapter Thirty Five: Beyond The Wall Part 1

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A/N: I hate doing two-part chapters but the beginning of this part was quite a lot so I had to separate the chapter into two different ones. Anyway, thank you for reading and voting, it means a lot to me xx

~Eastwatch, Jon, Jorah, Riva and the rest of the soldiers~

Jon and the raiding party land on the Beach of Eastwatch. Jon looks up at the castle. The men and Riva collect their equipment and make for the castle.

Tormund, Jon, Davos, Gendry, Riva and Jorah sit at a table having a conversation. Riva sat between Tormund and Jorah while the others sat opposite.

"Last time I saw you, you tried to kill me," Riva said while drinking some ale. Tormund laughed before he pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"If it isn't the woman who save me life!" He roared.

"I didn't save your life, I spared it," She corrects him making him laugh and throw his head back. Riva rolled her eyes and drank more of her bitter drink. Tormund looked back at Jon and Davos.

"Isn't it your job to talk him out of stupid fucking ideas like this?" Tormund looks at Davos.

"I've been failing at that job of late," Davos rolls his eyes.

"How many queens are there now?"

"Two," Riva says.

"And you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one who fucks her brother?" Jon sends a glance at Riva and then looks a Tormund.

"Both," Jon sighed.

"How many men did you bring?" He asked in his usual accented tone. Jon looks around the table.

"Not enough,"

"You brought this one with you...did you bring the big woman?" Jon smiles and shakes his head. Tormund looks disappointed.

"Wait? Brienne?"

"That's the one," Riva laughs.

"You have a crush on her?" She asks and Tormund looks away with a big grin.

"We were hoping some of your men could help," Jorah speaks to Tormund making him look back.

"I'll be staying behind. I'm a liability out there as you well know," Davos says, wiping his hands. Tormund nods his head.

"You are," He then turns to look at Jon. "You really want to go out there again?" Jon nods.

"You're not the only ones," Tormund sighed. Riva furrows her brows at him. "Follow,"


The raiding party walk down to the Eastwatch cells. Tormund is leading them.

"My scouts found them a mile south of the Wall. Said they were on their way here," Tormund says. The men look into the cells. It is occupied by Sandor Clegane, Thoros, and Beric Dondarrion.

"You're The Hound. I saw you once at Winterfell," Jon says. Riva doesn't know any of the men but notices Beric was giving her a strange look, like the one Melisandre gave her. Sandor pulls a blanket tight around himself and sits up from the table he was laying on.

"They want to go beyond the Wall too," Tormund says.

"We don't want to go beyond the Wall, we have to. Our Lord told us the great war is coming,"

"The Lord of Light?" Riva asks and Beric nodded.

"Don't trust them. Don't trust any of them," Gendry snarls. Everyone turns to look at him as he walks up and presses his face to the bars of the cell. "They're the Brotherhood. And the last thing their Lord told them to do was sell me to a Red Witch to be murdered," Riva rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now