𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐: 𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆

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Sylvia proved herself extremely useful during the weeks she's been in Castle Black. She cleaned out stables, groomed horses and washed them, cleaned weapons and put them back, washed down tables and also stayed out of the way. The large wooden doors were suddenly pulled open, meaning a new person was coming. Sylvia was changing the hay and she leant against the rake she was using to watch who was coming. The doors revealed three people on horseback. One man was extremely large and had a rounded face with a mop of brown hair. The others Sylvia has seen so she was used to them. The others, Gambe and Harrison, brought their horses over to Sylvia.

"Who's the new kid?" Sylvia nodded towards the large man. Gambe and Harrison laughed.

"Samwell Tarly," Harrison snorted before they both walked away. Sylvia sighed and got back to work, that's when Samwell brought over his brown stallion.

"Hello," He said in a squeaky voice. Sylvia looked over her shoulder; he looked shocked when he saw her.

"Hey," She replied, dropping her rake and pulling his horse to a clean stable.

"I didn't know Castle Black was accepting women," Samwell said causing Sylvia to chuckle.

"They don't, I'm an exception," She replied.

"Back to work Sand!" Grumbled the loud voice of Allister Thorne from behind Samwell. Sylvia rolled her eyes while bending down to pick up her discarded rake.

"Some people hate me though," Sylvia stated before resuming her work. Samwell was going to be tested to see how good he is fighting. He was directed by Thorne where to get changed. Thorne walked up to Sylvia.

"You better shut that mouth of yours and work otherwise I'll cut that little pretty throat of yours while you sleep," Thorne seethed.

"Might want to be quick on that one, you don't want me to get you first," She snapped at him. Thorne raised a brow and chuckled darkly before commanding her to also change in their armour. "Why?"

"You seem pretty cocky about your skills; show them, unless, your bark is much worse than your bite," He growled before walking away. Sylvia got extremely excited before she dropped her rake and ran to get changed. Finally, she can fight! Her face lit up with joy as she quickly did the straps of her leather armour she and Samwell were given. She was buzzing with excitement. Moments later, she, Samwell and Thorne left to go into the court where many were training. There was Jon, Eddison, Pypar and another man with greasy brown hair Sylvia doesn't know the name of.

"What in the seven hells is that?" Pypar commented; only seeing Thorne and Samwell.

"I came here for the black," Samwell panted, Thorne gave him a hard time while he was changing, making fun of his size and making him run around the room for his armour.

"What, the black pudding?" Eddison roared with laughter. Samwell moved to the side and everyone spotted Sylvia. Everyone froze, fear spreading on their faces while Sylvia wore a big grin. Jon eyes filled with worried when he saw her in armour and holding a sparring sword.

Well, Samwell was knocked off his feet and the man Sylvia now calls Douche was beating him, even though he yielded. Sylvia was livid and stepped in, easily disarming the other man.

"He yielded, now piss off," She snarled. Jon helped Samwell off the snow-coated floor.

"Looked at that, the bastard is in love. Let's make this an exercise, Eddison, Pypar and Jon, get over here. You can beat Miss Piggy, all you have to do is get past her," Thorne said. "No going easy," He growled. Samwell gulped, a woman was protecting his life and dignity. Sylvia smirked while twirling the sword between her fingers before crouching in a fighting stance, her grin never leaving her face.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now