Chapter Forty Four: The Iron Throne

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Riva, Jaime, Tyrion, Jon, Davos and Sandor walk through the rubble and debris of Kingslanding. Each of them covered in soot and blood, their faces unrecognisable. They all look around slowly at the aftermath, stepping over burnt corpses and trampled bodies. Sandor and Jon lead the group with unsheathed swords, protecting the others who can't fight at this moment in time. Everyone looks in catatonic shock at what Daenerys did to the Captial, it's a horror to look at. Only a few people limp around, crying at their loss or staring in silent horror. Riva steps away from the group when she sees Charlie and Sapphire run over to her. They hug her tightly and sob as the three falls to the ground. The group stops and watches in confusion.

"Thank you," Sapphire mumbles as she finally separates from Riva along with her brother.

"You two have grown up so much," Riva smiles, helping them stand.

"You've also changed," Charlie comments, wiping his damp eyes.

"Thank you, mother is so happy you saved us, and with that gold you gave us...we can leave and start somewhere else,"

"Go now, before it's too late," They hug one last time and say goodbye before they run away again. Riva wiped her eyes and walks over to the group as they walk again.

"Friends?" Tyrion asks, breaking the silence.

"I knew them before, and I saved them," Tyrion nods as the group marches over the rubble and flaming ruins, Jon's men joining them in the process. As they continue, they find unsullied soldiers standing at attention behind a line of kneeling Lannister prisoners. Greyworm paces in front of them.

"In the name of the one true queen, Daenerys Targaryen, I sentence you to die,"

"Grey Worm!" Jon says as he, Davos, Riva and the Stark men approach, the rest of the group stopping not far behind. Jon comes face-to-face with Greyworm. "It's over,"

"These men are prisoners. It is not over until the Queen's enemies are defeated,"

"How much more defeated do you want them to be? They're on their knees," Riva hisses.

"They are breathing," She rolls her eyes and hold her stomach.

"Look around you, friend. We won," Davos exclaims.

"I obey my queen's commands, not yours,"

"And what are the queen's commands?"

""Kill all who follow Cersei Lannister." These are free men. They chose to fight for her," Riva steps forward.

"I'm the princess and I demand you allow these men to be free," She seethed at Greyworm. He looks down at the men and then at Riva.

"You are not the Queen,"

"Don't make me kill you, I'm in a bad mood and you're only pushing me," Jaime steps over at the sudden rise in the voices. Greyworm scoffs and steps closer to Riva.

"You don't command me, and the Queen says to kill you if I have the chance," He grabs Riva and draws his dagger, but Jon grabs hold of his arm to stay him and Jaime takes Riva back. As one, the Unsullied lower their spears and step into a battle stance. The Stark soldiers respond by drawing their weapons to defend their King.

"Easy, men. Easy! Easy," Davos says, waving his arms around. Greyworm and Jon continue to stare each other down. "Jon, Riva. We should speak to the Queen," The tension is broken and Jon looks down. Accepting Davos's council, he releases Greyworm's arm. Riva glares at him but Jaime pulls her away, the rest of their little group following. Jorah shakes his head at Greyworm but he doesn't seem to care. They begin to walk away and the unsullied return to attention. Greyworm slits the throat of the first Lannister soldier. The man grunts softly as Greyworm pushes him forward to die.

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