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Author's POV
As Taehyung gets a suit fitted by his tailor; he can't help but stare over at the dark island at sea with a purpilish tint around it; showing the barrier holding strongly. Jungkook, on his other side, averts his gaze from the dreaded island. His heart racing whenever thinking about it.

"Hey Jungkook," Taehyung earns Jungkook's attention and gaze. "What do you think eomma and appa would say if I asked them to bring someone from Moirae Island over?"

Jungkook's doe eyes instantly widened. His palms became sweaty and his heart began to race. He froze in utter shock and fear from what his elder just said.

Once Jungkook didn't respond, Taehyung turned his gaze to him and was shocked to see what state his brother was in.

"H-Hey, it was just an ide—"

"You shouldn't be thinking like that, Taehyung! Do you know what could happen if you brought someone over?? What havoc that could cost! The people on their have reason to be in there!" Jungkook exclaims while cutting Taehyung off.

Taehyung lowers his head and mumbles, "not the kids..."

"Are you seriously thinking of letting a kid who has been taught nothing but evil on that island to come here; a place that they only know as bad? Taehyung, you're really crazy," Jungkook goes off again, stepping down from the podium he was standing on.

Taehyung does the same. "But Jungkook-ah; you have to admit that it's not fair to treat them like that! They should have a fair chance at a good life as anyone else!"

Jungkook huffed. His brother sometimes had too much of a kind heart. Letting the kids over? That's crazy. They're probably the most dangerous ones.

"I know; but it's just how it is." Then, a question came to Jungkook's mind. "Which child would you have come, anyways?"

Taehyung looked up at him hopefully.

"Park Jimin."
Jimin stroller along the streets of the run-down island.

His heart twisted once he saw the state that the island was in. The streets had bumps and pot holes all over. It was lined with merchants desperately trying to sell something so they can get money for dinner tonight. The air sealed murky and polluted; thicker than ever.

Children ran around with no shoes and torn clothes. Parents tried desperately to provide for their children by steeling from the same kinds of people.

It was an unfair and cruel island. An island that could only result to poverty. And whose fault was this?

The main landers.

They were cruel people who wanted nothing but to harm the people on the island. This purple barrier they keep them locked in was a punishment for a crime the children didn't commit; only their ruthless parents.

But Jimin didn't blame his eomma; a matter a fact, he admired her.

Back in her prime; his eomma destroyed the people of the main land and made them suffer. Jimin wanted desperately to do the same; he hated those damn main-landers. Living the care-free high life of royal asses. He hated them with all his guts.

But, for now, he could only steal and be feared by only the islanders.

With swift feet; Jimin jumped on top of one of the merchant shops and tip-toed across them until he smelled wonderful fresh-baked bread.

He stopped atop of the merchant with the breads and waited for the right time to strike.

He quickly hung by his feet and grabbed 3 pieces of bread for him and his eomma. But, the merchant saw the boy and grabbed his thin wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?!?!" The merchant yelled. Attention was drawn into the scene almost right away.

Jimin smirked as his purple eyes flashed brighter.
The merchant immediately saw this as a warning sign and knew who this boy was. Releasing his wrist, the boy went back atop of the shops and ran back to his home with a smirk on his face and three breads in hand.
Jungkook froze at the name. Park Jimin? Are you ducking kidding me??

That's the absolute worst kid you could bring over! He was a terrible man and couldn't be trusted; especially on the main land.

"Before you say anything; I know. I know the bad rumors and I know his eomma but— I just can't stop thinking about getting him to Lonnex," Taehyung explain. "I've already arranged to ask eomma and appa today so you can either come or not."

Jungkook didn't know what he felt. Anger for his brother not telling him about this meeting and question earlier? Or was it fear for the fact Park Jimin could be coming to Lonnex? He didn't know and didn't have enough time to think before Taehyung said, "I'm asked at 1:30. Come or don't; it's happening." And he was gone.

Jungkook checked his watch. 12:57. Jungkook was not prepared for this meeting.
~Time skip to 1:30~
Taehyung walked into one of the ginormous living rooms in the palace. Their sat his parents on one couch, and Jungkook on another.

The attention in the room immediately went to Taehyung after he closed the door.

"Hello, sweetie! Come; sit," his eomma said as she patted the seat next to her.

Taehyung hesitated as he made his way to the center of the room. "Actually; this isn't a sitting-kind-of question, eomma," He explained.

His parents grew more curious then ever while Jungkook prayed his parents had some sense in them to object to his brother's question.

"I-I was wondering something about Moirae Island," Taehyung started. He saw the faces on his parents drop at the mention of the island. "I've been looking at the place recently. I-It looks really depressing with the purple barrier around it and all the murky water around it. The parents deserve this, yes; but the kids that grew up their don't. I believe we should bring one of them over; to see if it would be okay to bring more and give them a chance at a normal and good life! They've never have one before," Taehyung explained.

The faces on his parents were unreadable. He didn't know what way the answer was going to sway to. A yes? A no? A maybe? Taehyung has no idea. Then, his appa spoke,

"And who were you think, Taehyung?" Why does everyone ask that question?

Taehyung sighed and rubbed he back of his neck as he answered, "P-Park Jimin...?" His parent's eyes widened.

His mother stood up immediately and shook her head. "No. Absolutely not. That boy is nothing but bad news. Besides, Taehyung, he's your age; he's not even a child! And do you know who his parents are? There'd be nothing but bad intentions." His mother's words hurt him. He really believed her, out of all people, would have some consideration for the people on the island.

But, thankfully, his appa came to the rescue. Standing up as well, he said, "Now wait, darling; m-maybe Taehyung has a point. Jimin May be 18; but he had to grow up in that terrible place, too. M-Maybe we should give him a chance...? With restrictions, of course."

His mother, Jungkook, and himself were all surprised at the man's words. Taehyung's box smile immediately was plastered on his face as he was hopeful his idea may actually come true.

His eomma looked at her husband, shocked. She was about to refuse again when she saw her son with a smile on his face. She couldn't say no to that happy face; no matter how much she wanted to.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but...f-fine;; but with major restrictions!" She answered.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he jumped up and down in utter excitement. He hugged his parents tightly. "Yes! Any restrictions you'd like! Thank you so so so much!!" He hugged his appa and placed a kissed on his eomma's cheek as he stepped away to Jungkook.

Park Jimin was actually coming to Lonnex Kingdom. And Taehyung couldn't be more excited.

Jungkook looked terrified at the surprising answer his parents gave.

Park Jimin was actually coming to Lonnex Island. And Jungkook couldn't be more terrified.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you!!~~

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