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the crying eventually stopped.

and silence took over the room.

jungkook leaned against the bed as jimin leaned against the wall; both sitting on the ground. the younger stared at jimin and couldn't depict what emotion the boy was holding. he could only assume that he was feeling sadness; trying to overcome it. he needed jimin to be strong; he needed him to try and fight his asshole parents.

but he waited. he was respectfully of jimin's thinking period.

"jungkook," jimin spoke quietly. jungkook's ears perked up and he scooted towards jimin a little bit more. he nodded for him to continue. "i think ... your mom knows ..."

jungkook tilted his head in confusion. he didn't realize what the boy meant until jimin looked into his eyes. they were sparkling with built up tears that he struggled to hold in.

and that's when jungkook knew it was a lost cause for jimin.

the queen would never let him stay at the castle if she knew he kissed jungkook. she was a psycho when it came to jungkook becoming king. and now that he'd have his coronation in less than a year? his parents really didn't want any distractions.

"well ..."

and then there was harsh and loud knocking on the door. jungkook shot up and before he knew it; three guards came into the room.

"mr. park; we're head to take you back," one said deeply and with happiness tinting his voice. "please come with us."

jimin's index and middle finger started rubbing together. he started to really feel worry and anxiety now. this soon? they were raking him this soon? he couldn't even say a proper good-bye to jungkook, he couldn't even see taehyung, he couldn't prepare for his heart breaking.

and it all happened as a flash. jimin wasn't allowed to take anything that he didn't already own when he came. so, he had to put on his black tang top and ripped jeans that he arrived in. he held his hat in his hand and wore a blank face. he wouldn't let himself show weakness in front of the stupid guards.

jungkook looked like a mess. jimin saw how his face was full of confusion and hurt of all the sudden events that was taking place. jimin would be lying is he said he didn't have the same emotions flooding inside him at that moment.

jimin played with the bracelet on his wrist. well ... at least i'll be able to use my magic again. he chuckled bitterly and continued playing with the bracelet. he was waiting in the dining hall for the guards to escort him to the limo that had brought him here.

jimin closed his eyes tightly and tried not to cry.

taehyung strolled down the halls of the castle. the guards had oddly told him that the dining room wasn't available at the time for some reason which was ... odd. the dining hall is usually held for his family's dining only; so what could be going on?

just then, he saw jungkook rushing down the hall; a worried look etched on his face. this brought 2 opportunities for taehyung: 1. ask what's making him so worried and 2. ask him about his sketchbook.

"hey, jungkook!" taehyung called out. jungkook jumped a little at the calling of his name; which made taehyung chuckle. "calm down, it's just me."

taehyung walked over to the boy who'd stopped walking. now at a closer point of view, taehyung could see something was obviously wrong with him. the boy was shaking a little and his eyes held the same motion.

"kook ... what's wrong?" taehyung asked worriedly. he put a hand on his step-brother's shoulder for reassurance.

jungkook opened his mouth, but closed it quickly. he didn't know how to phrase such a terrible incident. how was he supposed to tell taehyung that jimin was leaving? he couldn't. he wouldn't. he wouldn't let the information come from him. the king and queen would have to be the one to break taehyung's heart.

"just talk to mom and dad."

and then jungkook left; leaving taehyung confused. he didn't want to push information out of him, so he just kept walking down the hall with his head down. he decided to visit jimin's room since he was now able to eat dinner with him.

he went and knocked on the shorter's door.

no response.

he knocked again. no response.

taehyung furrowed his eyes and slowly opened the door. "jimin? are you here?" no response.

in fact, the room seemed ... different. first of all, the window wasn't open. taehyung knew jimin loved the fresh air and wind of nature instead of the mechanical fan that he always hates the noise of. second of all, jimin's clothes he was wearing that day was folded neatly on the edge of his bed. and last of all, which was the most odd, was jimin wasn't there.

taehyung could've thought that he was in the bathroom, but that doesn't make sense with the first two things. he scratched the back of his head and left the empty room.

and that's when he heard it; playing through the loud speakers of the castle. it was a special announcement that would be broadcasted everywhere in the kingdom.

"hello, people of lonnex," it was the king. "we know most of you have been feeling rather uncomfortable these pasts months with a guest that has been staying at the castle, park jimin. my wife and i are taking the liberty to send him back to his home where his mum misses him and he belongs. in fact, the boy is getting into the limo back home as we speak. we'd like to thank all of the residents of lonnex for staying with us through this ... experiment. we hope you have a lovely evening and a better night."

taehyung ran.

jimin didn't quite hear what the officials were saying. he blanked as he saw them taking off his bracket and forcefully pushing him inside the backseat of the limo. he groaned a little as his hip hit the seatbelt buckle ungracefully.

it had been a couple of hours of the officials talking to him about not letting out much information to the island. how he is not allowed to use magic until he's safely on the island, and if he did, he'd be in prison for long or even executed if the blows were fatal.

so, when he looked down at the car clock, he chuckled a little.

12:01 am.

he was a fool if he'd think his 19th birthday would be any different from the rest.
hello everyone, happy easter! i'd like to say that i find myself pushing to write this and not exactly having the best material out of it and i'm sorry. i've decided to take a small hiatus that will last at most a month so i can come up with the rest of the storyline and what how to proceed with the ships.

thank you for understanding this and thank you for reading my story! i'll see you guys soon!

oh, and stay safe!

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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