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hello everyone; so my friends have been bugging me to switch "automatic capitalization" or whatever it's called off; so i did, and i like it.

so the rest of the story will purposely be in all lowercase; thank you! i hope you enjoy this chapter👍🏻
jimin's pov
"what the fuck does that guy know anyways...you're great, jimin! you're not...disgusting," jimin spoke to himself as he walked the garden outside. he tried to convince himself that he wasn't all the bad things he thought he was. nevertheless, he thought them anyway.

"FUCK!" he screamed as he hit a nearby flower bush; snapping a branch while a few flowers fell off as well. he had such an angry look on his face; anyone who looked upon him would think he's about ready to kill someone.

he plopped down onto the concrete and held his head in his hands; his knees almost touching his chest; but not quite. tears brimmed his eyes as all the demons inside of him seemed to be even more closer to engulfing him whole. the only tiny party that kept the demons away from meeting each other was the note from lonnex kingdom.

jimin so far has acted nasty; even though it was only day two; but he really was thankful for this. maybe not everyone considered him to be his mother?


jimin held his hair tightly as his knees were pulled right to his chest; his head hurrying into his thighs.

no one thinks that. they probably did it for hospitality; to keep the two of the kingdoms from war. no one cares about you. did you actually think that?

"no..." jimin muttered under his breathe; so low that the rats in the room couldn't hear him.

"You're mother... she's a terrible person..." he said that to you. but his face; don't you think he meant you all along, jimin? he grabbed YOUR arm; looked at YOU in the eyes; and said it to YOU. it was like a coded message that you're too dumb to read; i of course, had to read it for you.

"i know..." jimin muttered again. "i am stupid...i am a terrible person...i know..." he paused to take a deep breathe.

he let go of his hair to run his hand through it; still looking down.

"i know this..." jimin said; a bit more audible. "so why do you keep telling me..."

jimin sighed and layed his head back on a bush. it wasn't sturdy; but it was still comfortable. he closed his eyes as he tried to control his breathing; a single tear rolling down his left cheek.

"who?" jimin heard a voice. his eyes shot open and he struggled to stand up straight. he hurriedly wipes his tear and looked up. once he got it together; he saw who it was. and, boy; was he surprised.
jungkook's pov
i walked down the halls; there was a lot of controversial topics being either yelled or talked about with my parents.

why did jimin have to do that? what could that guy have said that made him so mad? ugh... i need some air... good smelling air. do you know where there's good smelling air?

the castle's private garden.

i made my way through the halls until i exited outside. this garden was like my safe haven from everything; from my father; mother; taehyung; and especially all this shit from moirae island.

it's somewhere i can be where there's none of my st—

"i know this...so why do you keep telling me..."

a voice that jungkook thought he knew; but it sounded so broken. it sounded so...so...

before jungkook knew it; he was in front of the boy; seeing a clear liquid run down his fluffy cheeks.

"who?" jungkook asked without thinking; extremely curious of what got jimin, out of all people, into this state.

jimin seemed extremely surprised and caught off guard as he jumped to his feet; frantically wiping his tear away while trying to portray his regular stone faced look.

"no one," jimin said; walking past jungkook with his head heald high in the air. he walked away as jungkook watched; wanting to stop him for some reason, but now getting enough courage to do so.

yet, his head didn't look as high as it could've—no, usually is.

what happened?
author's pov
taehyung ran around the halls; not waiting one more second. he's already waited plenty and saw that outside has calmed down. this seems like the perfect point to find jimin and bring him outside to try and get him to make an apology.

oh, how simple it sounds. if only he could fucking find him.

jimin was either the best hide and seek player or best escapee because taehyung just couldn't find him. anywhere.

he was starting to get frustrated as he sped walked and turned the corner; colliding with a shorter person in front of him; knocking the two of them down.

"ah! i'm so so—" taehyung sat up to see jimin glaring daggers at him with no mercy. "j-jimin! i've been looking everywhere for you!" he stood up quickly and forcefully helped jimin into his feet. "i've been looking for you everywhere! we need to go!"

taehyung started dragging jimin along by holding his wrist. it worked for 16 seconds; until jimin snatched his wrist away from the taller's large hands.

"yah! i don't wanna go out there!" jimin angrily growled. taehyung took a deep breathe; a bit done after trying to find jimin after all this time.

"jimin. please. i've been looking for you for like 30 minutes and i just need to prove to everyone—"

"prove what? that i'm good? that the point that i have been raised in a literal island of evil that YOUR family locked me in has no effect of my outcome? that i'm what's going to set everyone on moirae island free? that I'M GONNA SAVE THEIR LIVES?? DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT ALL OF THAT PRESSURE FEELS LIKE??" Jimin raised his voice at the end immensely.

taehyung looked down as jimin stomped past him; not another word was said between the two for the rest of the day.
hope ya liked it,,

and if ya didn't. that's fine; i don't like my writing either ;)

edited ✔️

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