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author's pov
"i'm sorry, hunny; but your friend from the island has to go."
"what?! who do you mean??" taehyung's eyes widened at the comment.

jungkook stood still behind him, quietly staring daggers at the tall man and his mother.

"park jimin didn't follow the rules and hurt someone of the royal family," the king spoke, pushing hyunjin a bit forward. "just look at that bruise on his jaw!"

hyunjin kept a straight face for the crowd; but jungkook could tell their was a smirk underneath.

it boggled taehyung's mind. he fucking kept the bruise jimin left, but covered the multiple other taehyung did. it was obvious hyunjin had a mischievous plan.

"your cousin was hurt by that fucking asshole!" the queen growled.

everyone was surprised; the queen rarely cursed.

"aunty," hyunjin spoke quietly and put on a small smile for the king and queen. "when i told you about this, i didn't want you to throw him out. i'm sure his actions were accidental or simply just natural to him."

the queen was astonished; and so was everyone else. why was hyunjin acting this way?

"hyunjin, honey; he punched you in the jaw and left a big bruise! and for what? because you said his island was a disgrace? you even apologized for your
words before he hit you! and who is he, huh?? what you said is true!" taehyung couldn't believe his mother's words.

so that's the excuse hyunjin makes? and then he says he doesn't want him to go? what's his game...?

hyunjin chuckled softly and put a hand on her shoulder. "i know, aunty; but i feel everyone should have forgiveness. right, taehyung?" he looked over to the prince who was trying his best to suppress his anger.

but, taehyung knew he'd have to go along with it if he wanted jimin to stay.

"yes," he grumbled out.

hyunjin smiled and turned back to the king and queen. "please let him stay. if you do; i'll be sure to help him get better from his harmful ways. i'll personally spend time with him to make sure of this."

taehyung's hands curled into fists and his two front teeth sunk into his lower lip.

he was only a bit less angry when his mother agreed for jimin to stay in those circumstances.

the ruckus in the room haunted at her words; and the princes could see 4 guards exit the room. they waited for the king's permission to exit the area.

the front of the door soon cleared out; hyunjin's mother, or taehyung and jungkook's aunt; strayed behind to talk to the brothers when everyone else left.

their aunty sooha was a very beautiful woman; but never was married. she had long, straight black hair that went down to almost her waist. her dark blue eyes was perfect with her pale, smooth skin. she was around 5'5; so hyunjin obviously got his height from his father. sooha usually wore extravagant dresses she wore daily. sometimes they were tight, sometimes big. today, she wore a red dress. the sleeves were short and hung off her shoulders; hugging her body till her waist. the lower half was puffier than the top, and the whole dress was decorated with different golden designs. she loves dressing up fancy and showing off her wealth ((that she got from her family)).

sooha's last name was jeon, like her brother's; but like taehyung; hyunjin wanted to keep his original last name. hyunjin's father's last name was hwang; and he thought it suited him better. plus he had it for the first two years of his life, and his mother never changed his last name officially. so hyunjin thought; why go through all the trouble when he has a last name he loves?

either way; sooha was very beautiful on the outside, but rotten on the inside. she was a very selfish person and only cared about money.

sooha and hyunjin live in the west wing of the castle; multiple servants dedicated to just the two of them. they've lived pampered and easily for all their lives; not knowing any kind of worry. with money, at least.

"taehyung. jungkook." her voice was monotone and kind of bittersweet in a way. "you two need to start keeping better track of your guest. he's too much of a trouble maker to be wondering around in the west wing. so keep him out."

sooha turned around and elegantly walked away from the two.

after the two saw sooha turn the corner and disappear from sight; they opened the room's door to check on jimin.

they were both astonished by the sight.

the room was a mess. the full body mirror on the ground, broken. the side table flipped on its side along with multiple papers scattered around if; most torn up. the covers on the bed were hanging off the side and a now empty winter bottle hung on its side; a puddle of wetness still slowly weeping through the carpet.

but the most horrid sight was jimin himself. he was sitting down, leaning against the side-way table. he looked out of breathe and was wiping off some blood from his lip; two bruises accompanying the blood. one on his eye, the other on his cheek. some bruises were seen on his knuckles; indicating he fought back against the attacks. for all they know; there could be more bruises underneath his clothes. he looked absolutely terrifying.

"j-j-jimin...!" taehyung ran over to him and crouched in front of him. "wh-what happened?!"

jimin simply glanced up lazily at taehyung; resting his arms on his knees. "isn't it obvious?" he sighed.

"those bastards tried to kill me"
heyy so i know that this just a lil bit shorter than usual; but i felt like getting something out and ending on a cliff hanger :)

i hope you all still enjoy this book and bare with me through my weird posting schedule, haha!

i really wanna get a new book out there. i have so many ideas; but i'm not the one to be committed to a story. that's why i'm honestly surprised i still have this one!

but yeah; i may be posting ideas of what i want to do and have you guys vote on them? i'm not sure.

okay sorry for recently having such long author notes at the end! i hope you enjoy!

please make sure to leave comments, vote and read on for bad guy?.

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