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the night went quickly.

before taehyung knew it, after all the twisting and turning in his bed, it was daybreak. 5 am would be a good time to wake the two up, right?

getting out of bed and deciding to fix his hair a bit before going over to the room and freshen up his breathe with a mint. he kept his pajamas on so it looked like he didn't even try to look good.

he started walking through the halls and smiled at the less busy halls that were open for him to quicken his pace in.

when he arrived to jungkook's door he fixed his hair and shirt a little more before knocking softly and opened the door with a hello? in a small whisper.

he closed the door quietly behind him and immediately checked the bed and air mattress, but only found jungkook curled up still sleeping.

he turned around when he heard the bathroom door creak open and shut close with the small click of the light being turned off. "hey, taehyung." the prince turned around and saw jimin with still a bit of a bed head and in his pajamas. "what're you doing here this early?"

"i couldn't really sleep last night; so i thought i'd come over and take my shot to see if you were awake," taehyung smiled. "guess i took the right shot."

jimin giggled and nodded, "i woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. i've been twisting and turning all night, really. at first i thought it was because of the sudden rush of emotions and change of scenery, but then i realized it was jungkook's loud snores."

the prince chuckled, "yeah, he can get pretty loud sometimes." he kept his eyes fixed on jimin. "you wanna go to my room so we don't have to whisper?"

jimin nodded and went over to close the window and curtains so jungkook wouldn't wake up. "yeah, of course. wouldn't want sleeping beauty to wake up."

after jimin made sure his half broken phone and clothes were hidden from sight just in case anyone came in before jungkook woke up; he went next to taehyung and to the door. taehyung peeked his head out to make sure no one was coming down the hall. once no one was in sight, he grabbed jimin's hand and made a beeline for his room.

once successfully getting there with no one seeing jimin or asking any questions; he closed and locked his door after they were both inside.

taehyung looked over at jimin who was looking around the room closely. "wow," he said. "you're room changed a lot. if doesn't have your childlike vibe in here at all."

the taller looked around for himself and realized how much his room changed. his once bright blue walls that had one with clouds on it was now a navy blue. the desks that were littered with crayon and pencil doodles now just a plain white. his colorful rug that's now a boring hardwood. it went from a 3 year old's room to a 20 year olds.

"not that it looks bad! o-or that the childlike was bad! u-um..." jimin gulped and didn't know exactly how to say it out loud. taehyung's childlike nature was the best thing about him, but he'd be way too shy to say it out loud.

"don't worry about it, chim," taehyung chuckled, but then his face fell once he realized what slipped off of his tongue. "i...i mean...s-s-sorry...i..."

jimin chuckled and went to sit on taehyung's bed. "it's okay tae; just...where's your come up with that?"

"u-um..." taehyung day next to jimin on his bed. "i-i heard someone mistaken y-y-your name for ch-chim and i-i thought it was c-cute..."

jimin shook his head and pushed taehyung jokingly. "you don't have to be so nervous, tae; you didn't do anything wrong." he paused. "i think the nickname is cute, too."

taehyung chuckled sheepishly as his face filled with heat as the conversation seemed to become a bit dead.

and then it was silent.

the two, not getting much sleep last night, were dozing off on their own.

jimin quickly shook his head and stood up; looking around taehyung's room looking for something to do. "is there anything that we can do in here?"

taehyung stood up and looked around his own room; until a thought popped into his head. a thought he'd been wanting to ask the smaller all night and early morning long.

"jimin," taehyung got his attention, the boy turning around to face him. "what happened back there on the island?"

"oh? that one guy? trust me tae, he didn't do anything wr—"

"i'm talking about what happened on the waterfront, jimin," taehyung clarified.

jimin froze in place; really not wanting to talk about this with taehyung right now. because he didn't know what his answer was. not that he's kissed jungkook and taehyung; everything was ten times more complicated. he didn't know how to sort out his strong feelings between bruh of them; didn't know how to choose just one of them. if only he only lo—liked one of them, then all of this shit wouldn't be a problem. wouldn't thats to be a problem at all.

"i...i don't know how to answer that right now," jimin gulped as he stared at taehyung; looking for some kind of reaction from him.

taehyung gulped and shivered. had the kiss not meant as much to jimin as it did to him? had the kids been in the spur of the moment with all the emotions that had happened through yesterday? did jimin...not like him in a romantic way at all?

"i hope you understand, tae—"

"no, no i do. i'm gonna go get us some breakfast."

and taehyung left before jimin could have a chance of protesting against his words.


I SPENT AN HOUR WRITING THIS CHAPTER OUT ON MY LAPTOP BUT IT SAID SAVED BUT APPARENTLY DIDN'T. so then i was PISSED and tried to recreate the best i could, but i'm so mad because the og version was just organized and worded so much better than this. so, if it looked rushed, it's because i was extremely aNgRy and did rush it.

other than that, my week has been full of swimming with friends and binging friends for the 29383983984th time and watching movies and sleeping.

anyways i'm on facetime and i've lowkey been neglecting my friend cause of writing this and i feel bad so cya in the next chapter.

💜stay safe💜

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