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author's pov
knock knock knock

taehyung knocked softly on jimin's bedroom door.

"jimin? i-i'm sorry...i didn't know y-you felt this way...if i did—" taehyung stopped; not really knowing where he was going. how would he be able to act differently? jimin was still jimin; this new infortamtion about him being "slightly" insecure shouldn't affect his opinion on him; right?

so why did it?

"dumbass," taehyung heard a high pitched voice to his lower left. he quickly turned and; to his surprise, it was jimin. "i can barley find a bathroom and you think i'd get to my room before you did." jimin chuckles as he turned the knob of the door; walking into the large room.

"jimin, i—"

"you're sorry? okay, i forgive you," jimin sighed as he climbed the tiny stairs and through off his blazer, along with his shoes and pants; letting them hit the ground hard. his dress shirt was covering his boxers fully; but taehyung didn't get to stare for long. jimin enveloped himself into the baby blue covers and pulled them up to his neck. he closes his eyes as he faced away from taehyung; not wanting to deal with him; no, anyone right now.

"it doesn't seem like you do, jimin..." taehyung paused, trying to think of something he could think of to cheer jimin up. but he couldn't think of anything. the things he thought of were extremely stereo-typical and, now that he met jimin; didn't seem like the things this small boy would do. "why don't you come down for dinner in an hour? the party will surely be cleared out before then." taehyung commented with a small smile.

"don't feel like it," jimin said, almost inaudibly. taehyung frowned as he saw jimin sink even deeper under covers. he couldn't see his face; but he could suspect jimin's face was now covered up to his nose.

"you're not hungry? we have bibimbap; bulgogi, chicken teriyaki, rice cakes—"

"rice cakes?" jimin's head cutely shot up and looked at taehyung with wide eyes.

taehyung chuckled softly and nodded. jimin gulped and looked from side to side; most likely thinking of what to do/say.

"i'll be down 10 minutes late. now go; i need to get semi-dressed," jimin sighed and went down the stairs and to a dresser. but, after a few moments, jimin never heard taehyung's footsteps that hinted of his absence or the shut of the door as he left. when he turned around; he was surprised to be met with a red-faced taehyung who was obviously checking out his thighs.

jimin blushes a dark red as he grabbed the first thing he could get him hands on in order to cover his thighs. "bitch; go!!" jimin growled. he raised his voice a bit; but not to the point of hollering.

taehyung seemed to wake up or get snapped out of his imagination and get even more red ((if possible)) and bowed multiple times as an apology on his way out. he shut the door hastily as he took fast and long steps away from the door.

jimin was flustered as can be as he through on the darkest clothes he could find. his original clothes were taken from him; considered "too depressing" for the kingdom of lonnex. so; jimin settled with blue sweatpants and a dark grey tank top that hung baggy on him. he looked ready for bed ((which he was)); but he didn't want to show that he cared about his appearance. he didn't want to show that he cared what they thought of him. he didn't want to show how fat he was under all this baggy clothing.

but he knew. he knew a bit too well. he knew he cared about what he looked like; because when people look at him, looks will always be their first impression. it's inevitable. he does care what people think of him. whether it's assuming he's pure evil or assuming he's a terrible person because he's defending his mother and/or himself. even though he hates his mother; he feels it's basically insulting him since he's sadly an offspring of this terrible person. he wears baggy clothes whenever he's able to to hide his weight problem. since he's short ((which he also hates with a passion)) his body fat is much more visible. he knows everyone can see.

((AN: jimin his still the half muscular half skinny boi,, this is just his thought process))

he sighs and decides to stay in his room until someone came up to him. he had no idea if someone was supposed to escort him or if he was supposed to go down himself. either way; he wasn't leaving. it'd
take him 2 hours to even locate the dining room in this gigantic maze of a mansion.

30 minutes later...

jimin sighed as he layed on his loft and through a crumble piece of paper up and down; a crinkling noise sounding as he caught it. his one hand continuously through up and caught the ball while the other arm supported his head from the mattress. he didn't keep track of time; didn't feel like it. he just thought whenever someone came up; that'd be his cue.

the door creaked open slowly as a head popped in inside. jimin caught the ball for the last time and propped himself up with his elbows to see who it was.

it was taehyung.

"jimin? i thought you were coming down to eat dinner with us?" he said as he walked inside more.

jimin got up and jumped to the ground; ignoring the small fleet of stairs. "i am. i've been waiting for someone to bring me; i didn't think you guys would figure i'd know where the dining hall is after one quick tour of the castle. besides; i'd never give up a chance for rice cakes; i haven't had them since i was 10," jimin explained to taehyung; walking passed him.

taehyung was shocked; he didn't expect for jimin to tell him something so personal just out of no where.

"a-ah! l-lets go...!" taehyung smiles widely as he closed jimin's bedroom door behind him. he walked beside jimin; although jimin lingered a bit behind.

taehyung awkwardly cleared his throat. they were half way there and hadn't spoken a word to each other since they left the other's room.

"so...you...like rice cakes, huh..." taehyung spoke as he walked with his hands behind his back, back straight up, and his head heald high as he took appropriate strides.

compared to jimin; who was walking more comfortably. he had his hands in his sweatpants' pockets while he lousily looked around with his back a bit bent; too tired to stand up straight. his strides short but hurried to catch up with taehyung's long ones.

"why so formal?" jimin spoke up; ignoring taehyung's comment. jimin examined taehyung's walk tense a bit as he said the line.

taehyung awkwardly put his hands to his sides; but did nothing else about his walk. "what're you talking about...? i-i'm not f-formal," taehyung awkwardly laughed.

jimin simply chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder; pushing it down a bit. taehyung looked at him questionably. jimin simply smirked a bit up at him.

"loosen up; i'd die if i walked like you 24/7," jimin sighed and let go of the taller's shoulders. taehyung did loosen up a bit; his shoulders slouched a bit while his head wasn't raised so high.

"more comfortable, hm?" jimin noted; not looking away from the space in front of him.

taehyung hummed in response; a small smile present on his face as he still felt the warmth of the small hand on his large shoulder.
alright so i got caught up with writing so this a lil longer than usual—

hope u like it👌🏻

edited ✔️

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