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okay just a little thing i wanna know; so you guys want me to write more in author's pov or start doing it in their pov's more often?

ty :)
taehyung's pov
it seemed like everyone looked at me stranger than usual when i was walking the town.

i haven't been out in awhile; ever since i had first written that letter to jimin. it took up so much anticipation and time i couldn't think of leaving my room in hope to receive mail.

of course, the letter took 3 days to send, 1 day for jimin to decide, and 6 days to send back. for those 10 days; i left his room only to eat in the dining room alongside my family.

but now, i strolled through the cobblestone streets packed with tiny shops of food, toys, clothing, cigarettes, electronics; you name it. i, unlike jungkook; have always loved strolling the streets. especially after the marriage between our parents. i grew up here in town; and i honestly miss it sometimes. the crowded streets and hollering sellers begging for people to buy their product. it all felt so much like home. it didn't feel like home today, though.

everyone looked at me not with respect nor desire; but with questioning and some hateful glares. i felt awkward and bad for my commoner friend that accompanied me.

"you want me to punch the glares away?" my friend said with all seriousness. i chuckled at his words; king of expecting it from him.

"that's all right, joon. i'll just put on my mask; i don't want anyone to be distracted from having a good time because of me," i smiled and took out my black face mask; putting it on.

namjoon only laughed. "tae, your hair is the thing that sticks out; not your face. that face mask won't to shit for you."

i sighed and ruffled my own hair. it did stick out a lot; no one around here had half blonde half pink hair; did they? "do you think i should die if back fo my natural black?"

"you do you. i personally don't think your actions should be based on other's perceptions of you. if you like your crazy hair now; then keep it," namjoon spoke confidently. he's the type of person who doesn't give a shit what other people think of him. well, he does about one person; but that's another story.

he has his hair dyed a beautiful purple and with half of his forehead being covered. his eyes shined a beautiful dark blue that anyone could get lost in. he stood taller than most and had a strong aura about him; which his attitude 100% complimented.

"it does make it harder for me to blend in and walk normally on the streets, though. i always need to put on a bag or a hood when i absolutely don't want to be seen my anyone. maybe i should change it..." i spoke; getting lost in thought at the end of my rambling.

namjoon simply laughed and patted my back. "whatever you want, man. now let's go to the bakery; i'm craving some red velvet macaroons!" he pulled me along towards the cute pastel colored bakery named 'creamy creations'.

"you sure you're not just craving a certain person who you drool at more than your macaroons?" i smirked once i saw namjoon's face light up in flames.

he quickly shook his head of the unstoppable warm ness that came up to his cheeks and continued pulling me while i laughed. "sh-shut up!"
author's pov
jungkook couldn't comprehend how his mind thought of, unconsciously too, to draw jimin. he had one eye finish, the other not even started. the nose and lips were done with perfection; his head shape could be better drawn (according to jungkook); and the hair still needed details to it. the drawing was almost a side profile; but you could still see some qualities of the right side of his face.

the prince forced himself out of the stunned faze and put his pencil down; grabbing the drawing and crumpling it up while throwing it into his garbage. he didn't want to continue the drawing in any way at all. he would feel oddly uncomfortable drawing jimin for some reason.

"it's just cause...he was on my mind a little," jungkook muttered to himself; reassuring that that was the only reason why.

he made himself sit back down and pick another piece of paper. he forced himself to focus and not go off into another mental world while he draws.

he just doesn't realize why he felt more joyful while drawing jimin's picture than the family of bunnies he's seen earlier this morning.

jimin eventually arrived to his room and was looking around for something to do. anything.

he didn't want to use his magic without one of the prince's nearby; or else he'd be in deep shit if someone walked in on him. but there was nothing else to do. it was quite boring when he wasn't with one of the prince's. they were the only two who actually viewed him as something, even just a little; more than 'the boy from moirae'.

he sighed and looked towards the tv he'd never used before in the room. he cautiously walked over and found the remote placed on top of one of the dressers near it.

but immediately put it back. he doesn't know how to use a tv of this high class; let alone what channels to choose. he didn't watch tv that often anyways; mostly entertaining himself with anything to do outside and on the streets. he didn't want to spend too much time with his mother anyway.

he shook the thoughts of 'home' away and searched a around for anything else. he eventually found some books to read; and decking to find the least boring one of the bunch, took a seat on one of the bean bags and started into it.

the book seemed to become more and more interesting as he read it. he didn't realize until he was finished and there was barley any sunlight seeping into his room through the window how long he's been reading it. the book was around 300 pages; and jimin was a slower reader than most.

he finished the book and put it away after opening the window to his room. the book was incredibly interesting; a realistic fiction about a simple family who lived in a sinful filled town. it was more interesting than it sounded; and kept jimin entertained the whole time.

jimin now just sat on the sill of the window and let the cool breeze mess up his hair and stared at the setting sun silently; peacefully.

this moment was probably the most peaceful moment in all his life.
aight i decided to write all this in a rush because i felt like writing instead of reading 40 pages for the most boring book in existence for stupid high school—


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