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"welcome to jeon jungkook's official coronation to become the new king of lonnex! celebrations will begin in 10 minutes; so please take your respected seats or places to celebrate this famous occasion!"

jimin could hear the loudspeakers from the roof of his home. he smiled sadly and could just picture the soon-to-be king getting ready with his nervous stare on. it made his heart flip in all sorts of ways.

"jimin! get the fuck down here and do the dishes!" his mom yelled out; absolutely breaking the sweet moment he was apart of like a window crashing into pieces. he turned to look at lonnex one last time before reluctantly going back into the house to do the dishes.

"prince jungkook, over here!!"

"your highness please answer this quick question!!"

"how are you feeling? have any doubts about being king?"

"mr. jeon just one second!!"

jungkook basically ran inside the castle from all the press. he was stupid to think he could go into the palace's private gardens for privacy.

he sighed loudly and rugged at the tightness of the tie around his neck. he just wanted quietness before the loudness and flashing of cameras that will be in 10 minutes.

"fuck this shit..." jungkook picked up his pace and went into the packed kitchen; cooks everywhere trying their hardest to prepare last minute snacks and meals for the big occasion. he makes his way throw all the ruckus and grabs a glass of water. he groans and downs it in one gulp; having, for once in his life, everyone pass him without giving him a thought in their minds.

he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his styled hair; almost ruining all the work the stylists did on it.

i'm not fucking ready.

just then, jungkook felt a large hand grip his wrist and lead it through the storm of people. jungkook nearly banged into at least 5 cooks on the way out, and not even getting a glimpse at who was in front of him (although he knew it was taehyung from the large grip and his golden skin).

finally, they arrived outside the kitchen and taehyung closed the door; turning to jungkook. "what were you doing in there? your dad's been looking around for you everywhere. says he wants to have some special talk with you before you go to your coronation."

the younger sighed and scratched his head. "i guess i was expecting this..."

"oh! happy birthday, by the way," taehyung smiled. jungkook looked into his eyes like he was extremely surprised. with all the commotion and anxiety he's been going through; he didn't even remember it was his birthday.

he smiled at taehyung and laughed lowly to himself. "thanks, taehyung." the said boy smiled in his boxy way and left jungkook to find his father.

jungkook took a deep breathe before walking towards his father's quarters. he was most likely just going to go over the old king-to-almost-king talk that his father and grandfather had before his dad became king.

"jungkook! come in, come in," his father smiled proudly as he got out of his chair to greet jungkook who closed the door behind him. "just the man i wanted to see."

jungkook smiled dutifully and nodded his head; taking a seat across from his father. "taehyung said you wanted to talk to me."

"i did, i did," his father took a seat and looked jungkook straight in the eyes as he talked. "this must be a very exciting day for you, hm?"

"yes...very," jungkook lied while looking down and fiddling with his thumbs. he gulped as he felt his father's gaze go from happy to extremely serious. "what did you want to talk to me about?"

"ah, yes. in about 5 minutes you'll start you're coronation and trail to becoming the fifth king of the jeon dynasty. but, i can't help myself from thinking you'll make the same mistakes as taehyung," the king spoke honestly.

same mistakes as taehyung? what does he mean?

then jungkook's face turned stern as he looked at his father.

"i need you to promise me, that as the next king of lonnex, you will by no circumstance invite that park kid or any other islander to come set foot in this kingdom."

taehyung roamed the halls anxiously. this was all happening so fast; he hadn't even been to any of the rehearsal dinners for this event. it was either they hadn't found a need for him to come or he just didn't want to (although it was mostly t he latter that was true).

he fumbled with his tie, just like his step-brother did, and groaned at how he only tightened it more.

"need help with that?"

taehyung turned at the sudden voice and saw hyunjin in a similar suit; instead the blazer was white and his tie was a royal blue. he hadn't really seen him much since jimin had left. although, he didn't see much of him before and during, either.

"i'm fine. although, you look like you could use some help. out of your usual territory, no?" taehyung questioned as he continued to fix his tie.

hyunjin chuckled bitterly and shook his head lightly. "i'm only here because i need to be, kim. and i know you're here for the exact same reason; so don't pull any bullshit on me."

and just like that; any happiness left in the air was swept out. taehyung should've expected this reaction; he did speak a bit rudely.

"hyunjin, i—"

"i don't care," he sighed and ruffled his own hair to purposely ruin it's perfect look into scraggly strands of black. "i just want to get this over with; it's not like i wanna celebrate this whole day to your stupid little brother."

and with that, hyunjin walked away. taehyung watched him go and groaned.

"it's fine...he's just a bitch as always..." taehyung sighed roughly and looked towards the king's quarters at the other side of the hall. "hurry up, jeon."


guys i'm dying in quarantine. i miss my friends sm,, like i almost cried last night. i mean, every night we do a group facetime n have fun, but it's not the same.


a n y w a y s
thanks for reading this chapter and i'm so sorry it's still sloppy even though i took that long break to think it over.

tbh, i think i just needed a long break and i just need to get into the swing of things again. thank you again for sticking with this rocky road i'm taking you guys on!

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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